Good points... I'm bringing this to the "top" 'cos I know someone out there has some ideas on this...right? Unfortunately, I'm not very "up" on doctrinal issues.
Posts by JBean
The Central Doctrine
by gibsite ini posted the following on "beliefs doctrines & practices" and the silence was deafening.
perhaps someone here is willing to comment ?.
"i have no wish to appear disrespectful to jehovah's witnesses but as a recent "study" i have to take issue with them on their central doctrine.. anybody with even a basic understanding of historical chronology is aware that the dating of events in ancient history is done purely on a relative basis.
Counting Time... Is It Part Of The Rot?
by ballistic inhow many here have pioneered?.
be honest, what was predominantly on your mind, telling people this wonderfull good news or was it counting time?.
an elder once said to me, "you know, it's strange how when pioneers quit pioneering, they're hours don't stay the same, they don't gradually diminish and they don't even drop by half... they drop practically to nothing.".
Never pioneered full time... did one month of aux. years ago. Had a great time 'cos a bro. I was interested in was pioneering... ended up with another sis tho'. Bummer! Anyhow... never understood how ANYONE... even if they loved God with all their heart, would put themselves in a position of pioneering. Waaaaayyyyy too... well, there's not even a word to describe it. Who would want to clean toilets and not have any income or health insurance to go talk to people door to door instead of educate yourself and get a job of sorts doing what you are good at and actually enjoy!?!?!?!? Just my 2 cents! :)
Meeting's..........the best Medicine!!!
by Latte indo you remember those truly wonderful occasions when the meeting was in full swing, and something/one would make you laugh much so that you had to go out.
(and yes, your were sat on the front row!
you would go out and feel terribly guilty, and when you thought you were under control, you would venture back in only to find that the air was still full of laughter (on your row)..............truly wonderful meetings!!
O wow! Just remembered this: A wonderful bro. who was always a little "spacey" went up to the platform to give a talk one night. He went to get out of his seat and stood up so hard the entire row of chairs attached to his, which were empty, fell over backwards. He got himself "together" and proceeded to the platform and tripped up the steps and fell flat out on his face in front of the podium! Needless to say... no one remembers what his talk was about!!! :) Bless his heart!!!
POLL: Occupations
by Angst inas a witness what occupation did/do you hold?.
i was speaking with a friend of mine that is a former witness and we remarked about how many of us have worked in some sort of janitorial work.
I've been in the consulting industry for abt. 15 years, doing administrative work... now an office mgr. My life's dream was to be a broadway actress... but alas, according to my dad, all actors are "whores"... so they refused to let me go to acting school. (Although I was allowed, after many sessions of arguing, to act/sing/dance in any and all school plays, summer stock, etc.... and I also was enrolled in music & dance classes from the age of about 5 yrs. on! go figure.) Some say it's never too late... ya never know!
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
Sorry...ummm... back to the original thread: About the picketing... I remember "those people" : ) outside of major conventions when I was a kid. Haven't seen them for YEARS would definitely be a hoot to see something like this happen now. I would be very interested in seeing folks' reactions.
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
Thanks DbY! I'm clear on this now. Hey Fred... I kinda like you. You're probably the only fun in your congregation! They must come to blows to get you in their car group for service. :)
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
I'm smiling now... but seriously: are you for real or are you just pretending 'cos you're bored?
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
I'm fairly new here, but who is Fred Hall???? Whoever you are, you sound like you might be a JW... but that doesn't make any sense because if you ARE, you shouldn't be on this board!!!!! And what language you use.... if you are out to prove others wrong and yourself right... you are definitely not going about it the right way. You sound less spiritual than the others you label apostate! Seriously. Will someone please explain to me if this "guy" is for real?!?!?
Prevalence of JW Suicides - Real or Imagined?
by AMNESIAN inin one or two recent threads i've seen reference to the possibility of a rising number of jw suicides being another of the organization's very dark realities about which it is vigilant in keeping concealed from its pub populace.
is there anyone reasonably informed regarding this?
is there reason to suppose the incidence ratio among jws is any higher than among any peoples/religion?
Notice how we haven't heard from Godrules in a while since all of your posts, huh? All I have to say is to GR is that your comments were obnoxious and self-righteous (meditate on that for a while if you're so spiritual.) I was born and raised in the faith, but fortunately, had people surrounding me that basically said "THINK, use your god-given conscience... but don't speak too loudly... "THEY may hear you..." Hmmmmm....makes you wonder. I am quietly me :)
Shephering Visit - Update
by stevieb1 inyou may have read my thread from last week entitled "my personal turmoil" in which i discussed my congregation elders wanting to meet with me to "encourage" me to believe that jehovah is using the watchtower society as his organization.
i said in that thread that i had told them to leave me alone, well anyway on tuesday night the same elder phoned me to accept a "shephering visit" and again i refused.
not taking no for an answer he approached me again in the kingdom hall on thursday and told me that i must accept a shepherding visit out of necessity because i was in spiritual danger and the elders wanted to "help".
I would also like to know when they changed the baptismal question. It may help me at some point! I was young so I don't even recall the "seque"!