Shortened form of Jellybean... 'cos my honey says I'm sweet & colorful... just like the candy!!! : )
Posts by JBean
What's in a name?
by dmouse insome interesting comments about the confusion caused by using multiple identities in the last day or two.. i was wondering, as there are some strange sounding tags about, what is the story, if any, behind your screen names?
and what are your favourite alternatives (i thought about being dungeonmaster).
i am 'dmouse' because it's a shortened version of my full name, dean moorhouse, and i used to love the (uk)cartoon dangermouse when i was a kid.
Someone mentioned this song in a thread a while back. I absolutely LOVE this song!!!! I can't help but think that it really does apply to one leaving the JW organization. I wonder if the writer actually was leaving an organization of sorts when he wrote this? (Was he possibly a JW?!?!?) : )
Another Family With JW Ties Murdered in Oregon
by Monica ini just saw this in the news this morning.
a father killed his family and them himself.
this happened in mcminnvile, oregon just outside of portland, oregon.
YoYo... all I have to say to that is: yikes. You know, I'm still a JW but cannot abide by the double-speak and standards that the organzation has imposed upon it's people. YoYo, it truly is NOT Jehovah's way to shun. Really... I told you before, he loves all people more than we can know. Jbean
Another Family With JW Ties Murdered in Oregon
by Monica ini just saw this in the news this morning.
a father killed his family and them himself.
this happened in mcminnvile, oregon just outside of portland, oregon.
YoYo... HOW can you POSSIBLY say that???? That you don't deserve their company???? That is truly absurd!!! PLUUUUEEEEZZZEEEE... you attend a meeting to get reinstated... this means that you feel you've made whatever "changes" or progress that was needed. You've BEEN "corrected", etc. How in God's name can you say that you feel their shunning you is either correct or loving? Do you hate yourself THAT much??? I just don't get it.
Another Family With JW Ties Murdered in Oregon
by Monica ini just saw this in the news this morning.
a father killed his family and them himself.
this happened in mcminnvile, oregon just outside of portland, oregon.
Now, now, YoYo... you didn't even reply to my last comments to you on the "wedding" thread. Please don't start something new before you finish the old?
Should gays be allowed to adopt?
by Kenneson ini watched an interesting program last night (i believe on primetime), wherein diane sawyers interviewed rosie o'donnell.. the topic centered on gays and adoption.
rosie recently came out of the closet in order to extend her support to florida gays who are prohibited by law to adopt.
rosie, herself, has three children.. some of these gays, by the way, are foster parents.
Joel... I think you're right!!!! Haaaa! I'd love a family like that!!! Right out of Robbin William's "Birdcage"!!! : ) Wheee!
I've been shunned from my sister's wedding
by Quotes inthe following is the contents of a hand-written letter i just received from my (21 year old) sister, who is getting married may 18. for some reason, i thought that she would let love and compassion be stronger than wt programming.
but i was wrong.
yeah, it sucks.. *** my question for the board ***.
YoYo... may I add another thought? You say that you'll not post your thoughts from your committee meeting because you're hated on this board and that people may use your comments against you. I don't know about that. I'd say more than half of the people, when you posted that you were having a meeting that Sunday, replied with some kind words to you... including myself. I personally would like to see you content and happy in your life's course. And am truly interested in your thoughts... however, I am NOT interested in your thoughts of dislike and what seems like hatred. I was very surprised, given what you've (supposedly) been going through, that you came out with such "fire and brimstoney" type comments about Quotes and his dilemma with his sisters wedding. No one wants or needs to be slammed. I believe we all need some kindness in our replies to each other, no? Just my thoughts... sorry folks... didn't mean to interrupt this imporant thread. Back to the wedding... Jbean
Should gays be allowed to adopt?
by Kenneson ini watched an interesting program last night (i believe on primetime), wherein diane sawyers interviewed rosie o'donnell.. the topic centered on gays and adoption.
rosie recently came out of the closet in order to extend her support to florida gays who are prohibited by law to adopt.
rosie, herself, has three children.. some of these gays, by the way, are foster parents.
Interesting topic. I believe they should be allowed to adopt, as long as all the other requirements are met, too. Joel, you make some very thoughtful comments. I was surprised that if you had kids, you would prefer them to be heterosexual. For whatever reason, I always thought that if someone were gay, they would kind of like it that their child was gay. You know, build up the "ranks" or whatever. I don't know why I thought that, I just did. Even though you would say you have your problems or issues, from your comments, I belive YOU would make a very open and loving parent! : )
I've been shunned from my sister's wedding
by Quotes inthe following is the contents of a hand-written letter i just received from my (21 year old) sister, who is getting married may 18. for some reason, i thought that she would let love and compassion be stronger than wt programming.
but i was wrong.
yeah, it sucks.. *** my question for the board ***.
YoYo: What is your DEAL today???? I don't believe that Quotes has left God... he has left an IMPERFECT ORGANIZATION. I do not believe Jehovah wants us to shun/hurt our families and friends. He is not a criminal, for God's sake! Anyhow... while you're on this thread, I'm still interested in your comments from your committee meeting. Have you decided to post them yet? Jbean