Farkel: Awesome pics! Thanks! I LOVE your comment "There I was, you sent me, now I'm screwed".... priceless! : )
Posts by JBean
A Blast From My Past!
by Farkel infreepeace sent me some photos of our old neighborhood.
i haven't yet asked him when they were taken, but from the clothing and hair styles, i would guess early-mid 1960's.. .
this is a picture of the kh i attended as a lad.
Do you still think like a witness.
by sleepy inone of my customers asked me today whether i celebrate christmas and birthdays almost automaticly i was about to say no.. then i realised i'm not a witness anymore.. i didn't really want to go into a conversaion so i just said those things didn't bother me.. so what things are here stuck in our minds like that ,that are hard to get rid of?.
do you sill have a feeling arrmagddon might come , even though you don't mentally bleive it ,does it still effect you?.
have you realised yet that you are not going to live forever and in fact you will die?.
I love festivities of any kind so holidays, etc. never bothered me. The one thing that does bother me is the thought of dying. I really, really think living forever on a paradise earth is a great idea! I lived my entire life believing and hoping in that, so I'm really sad to think that it may or may not ever happen, in any sense, for anyone, no matter what they are doing with their lives. Jbean
Watchtower Propaganda
by JosephAlward inmany have argued that articles in awake!
in recent years show that watchtower was letting itself be told what do by the purple beast, namely, promote the united nations in its writings.
i can understand how many might quickly find support for this claim, for there are, indeed, many articles in awake!
As a current JW (abeit inactive one), let me just say this to Joe Alward: The simple fact that this is an issue AT ALL just sickens me and has pretty much nailed the coffin shut on my faith is what is SUPPOSEDLY God's earthly organization. Rem was absolutely correct in his comments that most JW's are absolutely IGNORANT! I know I was. And I know ALL of my current JW friends and family would NEVER believe that the WBTS would have ANY TYPE of link to the UN. ID card, entry pass, library card... call it what you will. It just is so hypocritical it's frightening. Well, 'nuff said.
early marriage
by concerned mama inin a previous post, some of you talked about your current age and number of years married.
subtract and voila, many of you married young, by which i mean before 20 years of age.
congrats to all of you couples, married long and short!
Hi Individualswife... after reading your post, I have to say 2 things: 1) you are in the minority and 2) you are sooooo lucky to have found your soulmate...some people spend their whole lives looking. (Oh, and 3.... congratulations on a wonderful family!) Jbean
A question out of curiosity...
by JBean inare jw's the only ones that "label" individual's apostate?
i'm asking because it seems that i've never heard anyone of any other faith make comments about apostates.
just curious...
Interesting spin on that, Buff... thanks! Jbean
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
Withheld: Wow... a kind of freaky point you made about Satan transforming himself into an angel of light... JW's use that scripture all the time... WHAT IF it really applies to them? Wow. (Actually, that thought had come across my mind a few times throughout my life, but it is so frightening to actually think about that I, in typical JW fashion, just ignored it!)
It's just dawned on me...
by Billygoat in...that jw's have a hard time forgiving others because they themselves are rarely forgiven for their own sins.
according to their beliefs jehovah keeps track of every detail of your life...good and bad.
that even if you are humble and repent of your sins, that there is still no true forgiveness until the new system.
Andi... you're post made me cry, esp. at the end... I know that I'd get the same reaction from my folks if I told them I was "finished" and movin' on. Hang in there.
Hey YoYo: her dad's reaction was EXACTLY what I referred to in my last comment on a different thread to you: "..... sorry... can't DO anything... not my place to DO anything... it's up to Jehovah to forgive you... blah, blah, blah." Bunch of nonsense if you ask me. OF COURSE he could forgive her (not that she needs much forgiveness anyway...) if he actually TOOK SOME RESPONSIBILITY for himself! JBean
Why can some question and others not
by joelbear inwe are not jehovah's witnesses because of a variety of circumstances, but one thing we all share is that we question.. what factors come together to make us questioners?.
but i know a lot of very smart non-questioning jehovah's witnesses.. bravery?
YoYo: I was born and raised in the "truth", and still am technically in. Have MAJOR doubts now... similar problem: lack of TRUTH in the organization, from the big-boys on down to some "friends" that will stab you in the back if they get the chance. Believe me when I say that I was raised in a GREAT family... many generations of JW's. They are all still in and I don't believe they have any issues... yet. One of the things that I'm beginning to hate about the organization is that they sugar-coat any issue, by saying that Jehovah will take care of "it" (whatever it may be). I see it in my own family... something happens (different degrees of "bad") and someone will utter "let Jehovah take care of "it"... let's just pray about "it" and "it" will be taken care of." Now, I believe in the power of prayer to heal oneself inwardly, and I'm sure there are some examples of where Jehovah apparently "stepped in" and saved the day... but in everyday situations... COME ON FOLKS... it's frustrating for me that my JW friends and family don't DO anything!!!! If you ask me it's a very non-involved and apathetic attitude to have. I HAD this attitude my entire life (until now) and didn't even know it!!!! I feel that God WANTS us to find a way to handle our problems...he created us with minds!!! I was also very judgemental (to the point of obnoxious) of non-JW's... I figured "we" (JWs) had it all worked out and pity the poor person who didn't join us. I didn't realize I was this judgemental until I took a step back (fairly recently) and went "Whoa!"... I don't want to be like this anymore! I feel now that God will judge everyone on an individual basis... JW or NOT... and only HE will decided who "makes it" and who doesn't. Now, come on, YoYo... I know you're going to say that that's exactly what you and every JW believes... but come on: deep, deep down... we are (were) taught to believe that it's really just us JW's that belong to the organization that will reeeeaaaalllyyyy make it, right???? After all that you've read here and all that's coming down the pike for the organization (UN issue, child abuse, etc.)... I think the only reason you'll stay in is that you actually like having blinders on... for some bizarre reason it makes you feel safe. However, since you're "here"... why not take a step back yourself and use your "powers of reasoning". : )
A question out of curiosity...
by JBean inare jw's the only ones that "label" individual's apostate?
i'm asking because it seems that i've never heard anyone of any other faith make comments about apostates.
just curious...
Are JW's the only ones that "label" individual's apostate? I'm asking because it seems that I've never heard anyone of any other faith make comments about apostates. Just curious...
early marriage
by concerned mama inin a previous post, some of you talked about your current age and number of years married.
subtract and voila, many of you married young, by which i mean before 20 years of age.
congrats to all of you couples, married long and short!
I agree... JW's in a sense force marriage on KIDS way to young to know who they even are yet! Can't go to college, can't date, can't, can't, can't... well... I up and got married at 19 also...to get out of the house and to feel like I was doing something productive! Well...also got divorced 2 years later (no kids, thankfully) and now I can't believe I ever even LIKED the guy, never mind LOVE him. I see him around town occassionally and don't have ANYTHING in common with him. Feels like an entire lifetime ago...