It is therefore possible that the story was written to attribute to Jesus the foreknowledge of what would happen to Jerusalem in detail, while at the same time offer hope of liberation. If this is so, the liberation never came. It was coincidences such as this that fed superstitious minds seeking signs of deliverance.
Very interesting!! Thanks for this post. I too felt there was something "more" to that story about the pigs. As far as their hope of being rescued at that time, the disciples had knowledge from Jesus that Jerusalem would be destroyed and the people taken into exile among the nations "until the appointed times of the nations were fulfilled"...and then they could expect liberation. Jerusalem was trampled upon and the Jews were in exile until 1947, which was the end of the appointed times of the nations. The Messiah would appear 45 years later....that's another issue. But the Bible doesn't provide for any liberation until after that "appointed time" was fulfilled, so their deliverance did finally come. The Jews did finally regain their homeland and now the State of Israel if the fulfillment of that promise.
But getting back to pigs. I have not yet figured out QUITE what that reference can be. In the Bible, as you know, "dogs" are a euphemism for bi-sexual men who sodomize other men. The euphemism came from the coital position generally assumed during the prostitution act which resembled dogs having intercourse, thus they became known as "dogs". Dogs appear in the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. But "pigs" appear in the story of the "prodigal son" which is also a reference to this same individual. Lazarus and the prodigal son are the same reference.
So what do "pigs" represent in the Jewish culture? Another type of homosexual? or perhaps a gentile, being generally of european extraction and, therefore white. For sure pigs are pinkish. The reason why this "might" be a correct reference is because Isa 53 does say that the second coming Messiah would be buried among the "rich". The buring of the Messiah at the second coming relates to the prodigal son at the time he leaves his fathers house and is said to dwell with the pigs. So I'm wondering if the vague reference here to pigs being white gentiles?
I think it's pertinent, though I hope it's not offensive to anyone, but the "rich man" in the scriptures when not specifically a reference to the "evil slave" could be a general reference to a class of people generally considered to be rich which in our world is ultimately the Euopean gentile. The European is the ultimate "rich man" is he not?
So I'm wondering what, if any, secret reference is there in what happened? Is a "pig" a rich gentile?
I know the Jews looked down on gentiles and considered them "unclean". Did they casually represent a gentile as a "pig"?
When Jesus was speaking to a Samaritan woman regarding speaking to her he said he would not give the bread of the children to "little dogs"; thus he considered the Samaritans compared to the Jews as the pets around the table of the chosen ones. But she said even the crumbs they give to the dogs. Soo.....if the Samaritans, who were dark complected were in station generally called a "little dog", then is the general reference to a "pig" by a Jew their colliquial reference to a rich white man? it also a reference to a homosexual?
The reason is because pigs are considered to stay in "penned in places" and generally homosexuals psychologically could be culturally thought to be in that situation, penned in, as it were, by their desires, hemmed in by their psychological state.
At any rate, I'm tending to think it's another euphemism for a homosexual. Lazarus at the second coming was specifically to be impaled in "Sodom" thus the association with herding pigs is direct.
Oops! Maybe they are BOTH! Did the Jews bother to distinguish a gay white gentile from others? Or were gay white gentiles sort of their own distinct category in the Jewish world at that time that the Jews would have a euphemistic reference to them as "pigs"? You know, they are white, rolling around in filth? filth being considered what homosexuals do. Anal intercourse sometimes soils one's body, etc. thus the filth is a reference to having sex in the context of excretement, etc.
But...if so, let's say the above is correct. Then two things are implied. One is that a larger percentage of demonic influence would permeate among "pigs" (whatever the assignment) but also once the "sons of the kingdom" don't show up for the banquet of the Messiah on time, then among these "penned in ones" substitute saints would be sought at the last minute.
So....are white, homosexual males a target for the kingdom in the last stages? Or are homosexuals in general a target? Or are rich white men a target?
Hmmmm... What could "pigs" represent in the Jewish culture that we can learn something about?
If I come up with something more definitive, I'll let you know.
Thanks for this article though! I guess it's time to maybe figure this out or rule out some of the generalities!!!
JCanon (processing!)