do agree Simon but I think something will give somewhere. It's religious intolerance, and as isis and other maniacs make more headlines the Prarie of religious hatred and intolerance is going to get less and less popular and by extension jw shunning could get lumped in with that at some point. Laws made to protect Muslims or others could be used for jws in the future.
Adding to DD's thoughts I'd like to say that maybe shunning, particularly when practised on someone who DA's or is DF'd due to no longer believing JW doctrine, hence called 'mentally diseased'or 'demonised'could become illegal as either slander and/or come under the hate crime laws. I don't know what others think?
I certainly agree with Datadog that muslim extremism is pushing it more to the forefront politically and it's bound to get caught up in any legislation against religous extremism.