think the case for Mandatory Reporting has been well made by so many representatives to the Inquiry, that it is bound to call for it in its Report, which they "hope" will be published in the Summer of 2021.
I’m not convinced mandatory reporting will ever become law in the UK. I don’t think the experts will all fully agree to it. The worry is it stops kids coming forward if they think all adults will betray their trust, as the kid sees it. Remember much of it takes place in the home and because of the emotional blackmail involved there are many kids that will continue to suffer rather than countenance being removed from their family. Abuse within families is extremely complex and kids need to have somewhere to turn, someone who will take each case individually. For example you may have a situation where a kid is being abused by a mentally disabled sibling. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be stopped but first and foremost the kid needs to trust to open up. This is why, so far, it hasn’t been mandatory.
By the way m not making a judgement call I’m just explaining why it hasn’t happened so far. As Blondie would say “Not supporting , just reporting”
(By the way this wouldn’t apply to Jehovah’s witnesses I’m talking about groups like child line etc who aim to get kids coming forward as a first step.)