I took part in the first round of flu vaccines .....I was a student guinea pig, wow nearly 30 years ago now!!
I’m still here, absolutely fine! Got a bit of a sore upper arm for the day is all.
this is a requirement now in massachusetts.
children must get a flu shot by december 31. some allowances are made for religious reasons and health reasons.. personally, i don’t agree with the government making this mandatory.. what is your opinion?
I took part in the first round of flu vaccines .....I was a student guinea pig, wow nearly 30 years ago now!!
I’m still here, absolutely fine! Got a bit of a sore upper arm for the day is all.
in wt world, a marriage is only seen (considered) as legal if it is registered in the municipality (or similar governmental organisation).
now, if you look at the scriptures, there was no requirement to have a marriage legally registered in order to be considered married.
is it not strange that the wt subjects themselves to and adopts an worldly arrangement setup but governments rules by satan when it comes to a marital status?.
Stan can you imagine? “ oh don’t worry, our Tommy, you won’t be disfellowshipped for adultery....you were never married in’t first place!!”😂🤣
in wt world, a marriage is only seen (considered) as legal if it is registered in the municipality (or similar governmental organisation).
now, if you look at the scriptures, there was no requirement to have a marriage legally registered in order to be considered married.
is it not strange that the wt subjects themselves to and adopts an worldly arrangement setup but governments rules by satan when it comes to a marital status?.
If that goon had carried on and had his way, pretty sure ALL Jehovah’s Witness weddings in the Brummie area would have ground to a halt without your Dad sticking to his guns .......mind you I bet there’s a few poor sods wish they would have!
in wt world, a marriage is only seen (considered) as legal if it is registered in the municipality (or similar governmental organisation).
now, if you look at the scriptures, there was no requirement to have a marriage legally registered in order to be considered married.
is it not strange that the wt subjects themselves to and adopts an worldly arrangement setup but governments rules by satan when it comes to a marital status?.
in wt world, a marriage is only seen (considered) as legal if it is registered in the municipality (or similar governmental organisation).
now, if you look at the scriptures, there was no requirement to have a marriage legally registered in order to be considered married.
is it not strange that the wt subjects themselves to and adopts an worldly arrangement setup but governments rules by satan when it comes to a marital status?.
menrov ...
It's simply the obey Caesar thing, that's all. What you have to do to get married can vary by country, State, even municipality. But generally there is no conflict with the Bible so you have to follow the rules of your local government.
Actually, Menrov is not the only one to have wondered about this.
It actually doesn’t make sense. The Catholic church, for instance, as with many religions, won’t consider two Catholics married UNLESS they have a religious ceremony.
There is no “obey Caesar” Since Caesar doesn’t require legal marriage.
It’s actually the opposite with watchtower, they will accept marriage at your local town hall even if you have no religious marriage, yet won’t accept a Marriage solemnized at the Kingdom Hall if it is not followed by a registrar witnessed signing of the certificate.....that always puzzled me.
It proves to me it’s all about the image of the organization.
edit: now I’m thinking, it’s probably more about disfellowshipping, shunning, DA and general “not good association - ness”. After all, all this means not everyone associated with watchtower and Jehovah’s witnesses Can marry in a Kingdom Hall so I guess they have to rely on secular marriage.
i know i shouldn't--i tell myself this over and over--but i can't help peeking at these silly articles.
and then i see this and my head really starts hurting: so the gannet, if you don't know (and why would you?
) is a seabird that feeds on fish.
Waton Wt and others severely underestimate the creator.
Even the natural laws might be the once that are left over from all the others that did not work well in their universes.
I mean you’re right there. Evolution doesn’t at all make the claim there is no creator.
i know i shouldn't--i tell myself this over and over--but i can't help peeking at these silly articles.
and then i see this and my head really starts hurting: so the gannet, if you don't know (and why would you?
) is a seabird that feeds on fish.
And don't give me that crap about the animal kingdom "changing" since the fall of Adam and Eve.
That’s the thing, Jehovah’s witnesses DO believe in evolution....except they call it “micro evolution” (if they’ve the brains to realise there’s a name for it)😩😩😩
Good Grief.
during tonight's meeting the brother seemed to read out something along the lines of "you may be helping a poor sister who you think may be struggling, but in turn that sister may be getting financial assistance from the government.
it is always best to stick to jehovah's arrangement in these matters so that help can get to those who most need it, including the worldwide work".
i think it may have been an article about social media platforms initially and how they should be avoided and then this was mentioned.
Oh brother they’re saying don’t you DARE waste your money helping your fellow sister in Christ, give US all your money and you can rest assured the money will go to those who need it most.....US!!!
They are not even permitted to give Christian charity as individuals now, to their friends!! This is incredible. This organization becomes more brutal by the day! I actually feel sick.
searching instances of the word “simplify” in watchtower literature, i stumbled across this.. the asiatic mind finds it difficult to accept new ways, to simplify and to make advantageous changes.
they fear conversion and dislike others’ offering them help.
many continually live in a realm of unreality and refuse to face modern facts of life.
Yup. I was told as a kid, that the Japanese and Chinese have “no concept of sin”.
It really stuck with me.
Straight away I thought to myself, if that is so...why aren’t they all running around with no clothes on then? I thought it didn’t quite make sense, since we were all supposed to have this in-built sense of shame as a result of the fall. They can’t have it both ways.
the watchtower—study edition | august 2020. study article 32. walk humbly and modestly with your god.
jesus is depicted in the heavens.
next to him stand some of his co-rulers.
wonder why head shaving for brothers hasn't been banned for jw's since it identifies with the 'skin head' Arian brotherhood?
I wondered that because you certainly wouldn’t have seen it in the UK, when I was young, because of the association with skinheads.
A shaved head was far more a mark of someone to avoid than a beard when I were a nipper. In fact I think men with beards gave off a rather jovial, kindly sort of vibe in most people’s minds.