Ooooo JWgonebadI’ve just learned how to make those chocolate myself some moulds. Mines one with peanut butter
petra may I have a link please? Have good (hair) day!!!😄
elders meet with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionariesplease note: this meeting is to be conducted in december 2020 or january 2021 by two elders selected by the body of elders.. english letter and spanish letter.. .
reply below if you want me to meet you at your pm box with a link and some of these:.
Ooooo JWgonebadI’ve just learned how to make those chocolate myself some moulds. Mines one with peanut butter
petra may I have a link please? Have good (hair) day!!!😄
world wide association of liars.
organization of delusional sociopaths.
jehovah's publishing corporation .
Were Jehovah’s estate agents
were not totally cogent-tent
we build buildings really fast
But watchtower sells them faster.....🤔
here is one of the many commandments jesus instructed his twelve apostles to keep, follow, and obey!.
here is anthony morris ( supposedly selected by jehovah to keep, follow and obey the sayings of jesus ) name-calling and condemning enemies!
the pharisees used to label people as well.
Jeffro I remember that Awake was really unbelievable, I mean incredible. All about logical fallacies and PROPAGANDA....I mean can you Adam and Eve it??? Talk about un-self aware!!!!
Awake!, 22 June 2000, page 6:
Some people insult those who disagree with them by questioning character or motives instead of focusing on the facts. Name-calling slaps a negative, easy-to-remember label onto a person, a group, or an idea. The name-caller hopes that the label will stick. If people reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative label instead of weighing the evidence for themselves, the name-caller’s strategy has worked.
writing is a lonely discipline that is constantly beset with self-doubt and constant self-criticism.
that is the way it needs to be.. there are times when i need to reach out for help in the form of criticism from others.
this is particularly the situation with this material.. .
9There is gold, Terry , and you could write a hum dinger of a fictional story using this as a background.......
....Did you know there are scholars who believe (with good cause) the Bible was actually written in Alexandria, as in by the 70. (funnily enough a symbolic number, since there were 72 including the chief priest and his deputy). In other words the reason the 70 translated the Bible so word-perfectly, is because they were the ones who came up with the idea (mostly) in the first place!! Of course some of it was classical Babylonian literature and even Greek scholarship (yup, Plato gets his oar in).
But wouldn’t that be a fabulous premise for a novel?
Doug I’m going to have a gander after I’ve cooked dinner😜I’d be interested in what you have to say about the video I’ll post below? .
saw this on reddit , looking for people to sign the petition..
Signed it. I hope everyone else can. It’s a petition. Well worth your support
i've been out of the loop for a while so some things have passed me by.
so i'm curious how jw's are affected by the covid virus.
are they still preaching or having meetings etc?.
I have a relative who every time I call , turns the conversation to :the last days" and how only the jw 's will be saved.
Good grief. The poor sod is trying to ‘get their time in’. It’s literally the only thing they can do now because they’ve been told “NO cold calling strangers - witness to people you already know only”!!!!
I’m guessing like most witnesses (who don’t mix with worldlies) iithat’s reduced the numbers right down - excluding active witnesses - well, YOU.🙄😜
my husband hadn’t seen his sister for 10 years.
we were jehovah's witnesses and thanks to their disgusting, arbitrary brainwashing, 10 years of loving our family was wasted shunning them.
This was beautiful. Life is so so short. You never know when a loved one could be taken from you, so love,love, love them with all your heart.
I'm so happy for you all.❤❤❤
Watchtower has caused so much misery and heartache.
i have a very good friend who has been banned from facebook simply because he makes remarks positive about president trump and negative toward the democratic party.
he has tried to get back on facebook and it appears there is no way for him to return.
people are being removed from social media platforms simply because they have a different political view.
1925 – Propaganda - a book written by Edward Bernays. He was Freud's nephew.
I think this man is the single most influential person no one's heard of of the 20th century
can anyone give difference between cross and pendant with logo?.
further this logo has become the main identification of a kingdom hall.. can someone give bible reasoning behind this?
against or favour..
Doc what’s got into you lately?
To answer your question KSFernando, Jehovah’s witnesses often accuse Catholics, Anglicans etc of worshipping the cross. I think the correct term is ‘venerate‘. This is something they do on Good Friday, whereby they will kiss the cross as a way of showing respect for “everything it stands for”.
I think the subtle difference is utterly lost on witnesses, correctly or incorrectly. However I don’t see the difference between that and the behavior witnesses exhibit more and more, of gathering around an image of JW dot Org sign and pointing to it often kneeling before it!!! As in the link I shared above.
Witnesses have zero self awareness!!😒
so here i am 44 yr old divorced and free to remarry jw sister....first time single since i was 19. but guess what no single brothers in my area.
i’ve tried those stupid jw dating sites and still no luck.
oh yes there are tons of single brothers, but guess what...they all expect a hot barbie to come running into their life.
think this is me now. Single, aloof but a bloomin' good grandfather.
You’re a star, Punky. Your grandkids will never forget it. My grandfather taught me everything, but most of all he taught me about unconditional love.
My kids, on the other hand....🤔I said to my son the other day, about some random incident “ That’ll be one to tell the grandkids”
response : “ Hmmm...not sure I’ll be having any. My experience of grandparents hasn’t been the best....”😔
It breaks my heart because I know how important grandparents can be. Should be. They had a wonderful uncle, though. The best❤️