Your sister, if executor, has full rights to handle the estate within the parameters that wills in your state provide. My suggestion is to work with her unless she does something that represents a breach of her mandate as executor.
BTW, if you are named as a beneficiary in the will, the executor is required to provide you with a copy thereof.
Just out of interest, what can I do if an executor doesn’t provide me with this? My grandmother left me one quarter of her wealth. It wasn’t much in the end as she had to go into a home...but it was quite a few thousand. My mum cheated me out of it as my step dad was executor and my mother scape goats me. She shuns me but hated me since I as a little girl. Very narcissistic. What can I do as it’s been a few years....she lied to me about the will but I subsequently found a copy of it. Thanks in advance if anyone knows.
Cha sorry, another example of the abiding Christian behavior of JWs :((