P. PETE I think your assessment is pretty much right on the money.
In 20 years Jehovah’s Witnesses will be pretty much a cultural/social club.
The main issues they will have to drop is shunning and the blood issue. Without shunning there is nothing to use against a witness essentially believing/doing whatever they wish. Including blood transplants. Their attitude to child abuse will change due to social pressures. For example today I commented that a woman in a film “looked like a tank” and my kids scolded “oh body shaming! It’s 2021 mum!!”🙄
DOC They have no idea WTF this "overlapping" BS is about. All they know is JW dot ORG and that they are "SPECIAL" and only they will be saved and everyone else is "lesser" and will be destroyed and they will inherit all the "booty" left behind.
This too! That feeling of being “special and different” is pretty addictive, as is the concept of the paradise (unless you think it through a bit, that is).
Remember, too, there is no pressure to carry out charitable acts, either financial or in the Christian sense of serving ones community. It’s an utterly self centred religion with very little giving.
The superficiality of the faith, the social club and Watchtowers bank balance will keep the org afloat for a while yet.