How many TRUE BELIEVERS do you think are left in the Organization?

by pistolpete 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pistolpete

    I have a few JW relatives who are True Believers. By this I mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the Governing Body even if it does not make sense.

    All of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s There is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the WT is not God Organization.

    Any jw under 50 years of age I don't consider, for the most part, a True Believer. Most have their doubts and are just hanging in there, until something happens to them personally, and start those wheels turning as a wake up call that something is not right, then research, then WTF---it's not the Truth. And others are just waiting for their parents to die so they can stop attending. Also another group is those who have a spouse that is a true believer. These also just attend to be with their spouse, but once that spouse dies, I doubt they will keep attending.

    Then you have the young JWs being born Today and for the past 20 years. This group will never be what you call TRUE BELIEVERS. These were born in the internet era and are aware of all the hypocrisy like all the child sexual abuse. They also are aware of all the bull like the overlapping generation and they hate the door to door work. And these jw just don't want to live the JW TYPE OF LIFE.

    So my question; In about 20 years, the majority of those True Believers will pass and be gone. These are the ones that continue to support the WT organization financially. This are the ones that will go down with the ship-so to speak.

    I think that at this point today, the Organization mostly comprised of about 4 million True Believers world wide. These are individuals willing to go to prison if the need arouse.

    With this in mind, what amount of Jehovah Witnesses can we expect in the year 2040??? I say about 2- million or so, members world wide, maybe less. This will be the last group before the WT turns into some fringe group like the Bible students who still follow Charles Russell.

    But they will have members - ONLY IF- they do away with Shunning, Blood Doctrine, and all the other details in doctrine that make them a target by the public. Especially 1914 and 607 are dates that will need to be eliminated if the Organization is to survive.

    Because in 20 years, if the Organization is still preaching that we are in the last days since 1914, it will be embarrassing for anyone to become a part of an Organization riddle with so many embarrassing flip-flops that anyone will be able to see and research for themselves.

    The Organization can't keep preaching the LAST DAYS FOR 160 YEARS - 2040-1879 = 161 years- without intense ridicule from everybody.

  • Overrated

    I say realistically about 2 to 3 million die hard JW'S that are not awaking up to the stupidity.

  • pistolpete



    I say realistically about 2 to 3 million die hard JW'S that are not awaking up to the stupidity.

    We're pretty close, I said 4 million. So this is what I think. The Reason the WT is selling all these Kingdom Halls, is because they have already done the research and anticipate that in 20 years they won't need so many Kingdom Halls. They probably already have a plan in place on how they are going to restructure the Organization differently once the TRUE BELIEVERS ARE ALL GONE.


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    its just a snare and a racket. Hey--that sounds cool..

  • hoser

    I think first generation jws are true believers. The ones like my parents that left behind the world and have 60 years of sunk costs in this religion. 2nd generation jws not so much believers and third gen it’s all they know.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The word "BELIEVERS" is a bit of a problem here.

    IMO most JW's have NO IDEA what they believe!

    They could no more explain the "time, times, and 1/2 a time" than explain quantum physics. They have no idea WTF this "overlapping" BS is about. All they know is JW dot ORG and that they are "SPECIAL" and only they will be saved and everyone else is "lesser" and will be destroyed and they will inherit all the "booty" left behind.

    JW's no longer teach/learn any doctrine. It's just listen, obey, or get shunned.

  • Overrated

    More like "Listen, Obey, and Donate " to the 8 morons and to the world wide reality work.

  • nowwhat?

    Judging from the congregations around me in the Midwest, I'd say 90%!

  • GregW

    Who cares, they are a bunch ignorant deluded fools following some corrupt self serving men (GB) who scripturaly are apostate false prophets

  • Vanderhoven7

    They should republish the, "Millions Now living Will Never Die" book. After all we are living in the last part of the last part of the last day. Maybe rename it, "Billions now living will be exterminated".

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