.....Because fairness is important to you. I am the first person to speak out on unfairness, too, due to my past, when I see it. Especially racism. I saw it all the time as a child but from where I was it was very dark skinned girls who were bullied by their lighter skinned black friends. In fact I often found it interesting that these very dark skinned girls would often marry white men, precisely because they didnt disparage them for their colour and simply saw a beautiful women.
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Why I care about people who see racism everywhere
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i was watching a tv show and a black celebrity in quebec said that his latest incident of racial profiling was being asked questions by the police as he was walking in a quiet neighborhood at 2am while wearing a hoody.
then the other guest next to him validated his claim saying that she, as a white women, was never stopped like this by the police.
i became very frustrated and agitated.
JW Net and Politics
by snare&racket inthis site was and remains instrumental in assisting people that want to leave the jw's.. there has been political discussion here for some time now, a good couple of years and it makes me feel a little uneasy.
i just opened up the site for the first time in some weeks, of the 10 posts being discussed, 4 were by the same poster, about politics, promoting their right wing beliefs.. this has been the trend for some time now, the same name behind a peppering of posts stirring the right v left of politics.. i remain forever grateful to the site and it's founders simon & angharad, i appreciate that simon shares some of these these political beliefs.
it would be a shame to see the site evolve from a place for jw freedom of thought and escape, to political squabbling, that the world is frankly tired of right now.. just to clarify, politics is my hobby, whilst my friends read the football scores, i'm reading polling data.
In the context of JW's and politics I have much to say as I was suppressed from being political or voting by the JW's. I was a pioneer that loved getting home early on Thursday nights to watch UK politics shows on tv. I was addicted to radio political talk shows and pundits. My parents actually chastised me for my interests, being a JW.
Just to say Snare & Racket my best friend and I grew up in 80s Britain. My friend, an intelligent girl and a real blue stocking who was literally top of our school in all the STEM subjects, once asked me in all seriousness "who Margret Thatcher" was (as her JW parents looked on approvingly)!!!!
Genesis 1:16 and apologists- vegetation before the Sun?
by joey jojo ingen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
What is more important right now, in my opinion, is why does the Universe appear to be conscious
I agree. How any kind of consciousness arrives is simply incredible.
It’s been described as watching a show on an old TV, you see the picture, but when you look inside the TV, there’s only parts...
The picture/energy/frequency is being broadcast..
Wow. Fantastic analogy.
Genesis 1:16 and apologists- vegetation before the Sun?
by joey jojo ingen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
Well when I was a sprog Watchtower would say Genesis described things "as it would be perceived from the point of view of someone on Earth." So in other words, the Sun was there but because we couldn't yet see it, it kind of wasn't listed...so to speak.
Good grief.
Since Myself and our sons left the JW cult, My wife has been M.I.A has a mom and wife
by goingthruthemotions ini would like to get some feed back from pomo's who's spouse is still pimi.
since myself and our son's left the jw cult.
my wife has been m.i.a has a mom and a wife.
Presumably you no longer believe in god. Have you ever spoken to her about evolution? The history of the witnesses? The sort of man Rutherford was, that he left his JW wife and son for over 20 years and neither of them attended his funeral. About the scams...miracle wheat, Beth Sarim, the UN and Mexico Malawi scandals?
I know the usual policy is softly softly, the Socratic method....teach using questions. But I think in your case that ship is sailed. I’m sorry, so very sorry for your kids. I say hit her with everything there is. Every piece of evidence.....if she leaves sod her. She’s not worth it. If you find some one else above ALL else make sure she has the biggest heart. Nothing else matters because those boys need it. Go find them a mother.
Should Schools Reopen?
by minimus ina lot of parents say teachers should full time get back to work and their kids should be back in the classroom..
Teachers in the UK should be vaccinated before returning to work. School kids drove the last massive spike in cases which nearly overwhelmed the NHS. I don’t know about Canada, or many places in the US, but I know that funeral directors in California can barely cope with all the bodies so it’s an absolute myth that there are no more deaths than an average “bad ‘flu year”.
A good teacher is worth their weight in gold. No....way, way more than that.
Try To Be Less White
by minimus inthat’s what coca-cola is telling their employees.
this is ridiculous!.
UK tv adverts--there has been a huge increase in the number of "black" persons featured recently.
I’ve noticed that. But they don’t realise, in doing so, they are being even more racist. Because whilst there’s an increase in black actors on t.v. In Britain it’s always meaningless advertising work, you don’t see an increase in black actors or actresses with really decent, meaty roles.
You rarely see a happy, comfortable black family in these ads. Your’ll usually see a black, overweight single mother or an interracial couple.
Execs think by doing this they’ll keep everyone happy, but they end up annoying everyone. Black people feel patronised and white people see the PC BS.
God defeats whole armies, but couldn't defeat '' the men in Iron chariots''
by RULES & REGULATIONS injudges 1. .
new international version.
israel fights the remaining canaanites.
Rules & Regs That’s my all time favourite OT (or is it OG) scripture 🤣 Do you happen to know what Watchtowers take on that scripture is, guys?
I reckon a lot of the OT is an exercise in trying to explain the apparent vagaries of war. When the fortunes of war were in their favour, the Israelites naturally assumed their God was pleased with them. When they fared badly, he was angry (Perhaps that is why our gods have become more benign the more successful we, as humans, have become).
Of course there was always, as luck would have it, a fella on hand to inform them gods opinion on the matter via messages only he could interpret!!
“Do not gaze about!”
by slimboyfat inso many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
FFGhost I just wanted to “hear hear!” from all the way in the back.
It turns my stomach that they had the nerve to replace “love kindness” with “cherish loyalty”.
Watchtower is about as subtle as a brick😒
Do You Support Trump Being Impeached Again?
by minimus init looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
Just to say the fact they wish to impeach after his presidency is not relevant.
Its not a criminal trial...the point is to decide whether he will have the right to hold office again. The constitution makes no mention of the timing of an impeachment and subsequent trial This makes sense because it takes time to accrue evidence and an office holder could commit “treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanours” in his last few days in office, for example, thus escaping justice by simply resigning the day before the trial (or even during).
Once he has left office a president is also no ordinary citizen, either. He remains an ex-president, is addressed as a president and is entitled to the benefits, financial and otherwise, of that office for the rest of his life. This includes the right to certain security briefings etc. Then there is precedent. Congress has begun impeachment trials on officials who left office on three separate occasions. Just because these men were not presidents is irrelevant, since there is only one impeachment clause that every official is subject to.
whether the facts are such that Trump should be subject to impeachment is another matter but that President Trump has left office does not mean he is no longer subject to conviction.