If a chimp wins masterchef, maybe I'll start taking vegans more seriously.
Well now that's just plain silly.......
........ ...Chimps are not vegetarians
see https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/05/neanderthals-carb-loaded-helping-grow-their-big-brains .
the article says in part 'the study is “groundbreaking,” says harvard university evolutionary biologist rachel carmody, who was not part of the research.
the work suggests the ancestors of both humans and neanderthals were cooking lots of starchy foods at least 600,000 years ago.
If a chimp wins masterchef, maybe I'll start taking vegans more seriously.
Well now that's just plain silly.......
........ ...Chimps are not vegetarians
the new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
I've heard people say their dermatologists advise they shower every other day because soaps are drying -- unreal! Water is a natural moisturizer so maybe they need to rinse the soap off a tad bit longer so they can resume showering daily.
Wash with emollients...such as E45. That way you're nice and clean but don't damage or dry out sensitive, dry, delicate or friable /elderly skin. Another way is to take collagen supplements and use vasaline after bathing.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Rocket Man To suggest that governments are trying to redundantly and inappropriately impose fear by lock downs, social restrictions and mask wearing is really missing both the intent and point.
Yes If someone could explain what possible advantage a government would have for instigating all this.
ALL governments, by the way. Who fail to agree on anything; usually, with one accord decide to place fear in the hearts of their populace, drive apart families, close businesses and cause a financial downturn which will likely ensure they themselves are voted OUT in the next election.
Asking for a friend ....
how many accounts of the bibles use of excesses can you recall ?
i will start off with a favourit of mine.. the inauguration of solomons temple and the sacrifices offered .2chron.7 :4-5 , 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep ?
Come on, 185,000 bodies lying everywhere. Who counted the bodies to put the sum total in the bible?
Although In the Bible it does admit they gave silver as a pay off to the Assyrian king, according to Assyrian historical documents they simply left because the Jews coughed up so many chests of gold for them to do so! No mention of any angels! I imagine with the money the truth lies somewhere in the middle, though. It's certainly not unusual for warring nations to exaggerate their triumphs.
My favourite Biblical exaggeration is Sampson's killing 1000 Philistines with - wait for it - the jawbone of a donkey😳😂
the new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
knew a witness that had a condition called TMAU (trimethylmaneria??). It caused him to have a bad body odor despite bathing several times per day. The brother said how critical it was to bathe or the odor would be worse.
I had a poor female maths teacher who had a condition that made her perspire very badly.
I felt so sorry for her because the kids were so cruel. I made sure to behave well in her class because she had enormous problems controlling the class - which made her perspire more ..I could barely hear the lesson.
The worse thing was she always wore silk shirts which as you know shows up perspiration patches worse than almost anything. I so wanted to say something but I didn't want her to think me rude.
the new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
Strip wash!.That's what we called it when I was a kid. Kinda funny and has other connotations now (or is that my mind?!) We bathed weekly and had a strip wash every day by the sink. That is until I became a young teen and like X Ray Spex said:
🎼"she's a germ free adolescent,
cleanliness is her obsession,
cleans her teeth ten times a day, scrub away scrub away scrub away the S.R. way..."🎷🎶
So started to shower daily and My grandma thought I was nuts. She told me I'd "strip all the oils from my skin and age prematurely"😂 Funny though to this day I only use soapless soap on my face and soap in the shower underarm, feet and private bits. Arms, legs and most of the torso just get the water on them (unless I'm muddy from sport etc) and I don't really have any wrinkles for my age so maybe she was right...???
so, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
....all this and the Sinai desert is only 130 miles long 🤮
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Humanity walks a very thin line of depravity. And it’s easy to tip them in the wrong direction.
And if you want the truth, Doctors and Scientist are usually at the forefront of exterminating “OTHER” humans when tipped in the wrong direction!
It would be good to review this history as a reminder of what Humans are capable of.
Because it quickly becomes very obvious---------that humans just don't learn from history.
So expect it to happen again------Over and Over!.
Pete I fully agree with what you said here.
I think we ex witnesses tend to over trust the scientific community because we got burned by the spiritual community.
But at the end of the day scientists need funds...for most of them, it's just another business that needs to profit.
Humans in general are not to be trusted.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
just read now, the island of Seychelles is the most vaccinated country with 62% people vaccinated and they have a resurgence of Covid cases. They are going back to lockdown (they use Chinese Sinopharm and Astra Zeneca vaccinations).
I thought it was Israel with 100% population now vaccinated??
Israel doesn't play😂
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Ok I'll agree the main and most tragic area of spread was care homes.
The government should have seen it coming and it's a national disgrace they didn't put everything they could into protecting the elderly with LIVE IN volunteers until a vaccine became available.
I'm a nurse and, having had the disease which was like absolutely nothing I have ever experienced before in particular the taste and smell aspect and the fact that all my hair has fallen out , I am absolutely convinced that it is a man made virus.
We caught the virus the minute my kids went back to school in between lockdowns. The schools were rife with it. It was crazy to open them because education is the one thing that can wait!! So the kids do their exams a year later...probably a good thing and no businesses will go bust because of it. It will also keep them out of the workforce for longer, only a good thing with so few jobs available.
Having said that my husband and I were very ill for a week but otherwise fine. We know that there have been tragic deaths in the UK of many frontline workers from GPs to bus drivers, mostly in their 49s and 50s.
There have also been some high profile tragedies. So this is not a myth. This disease was a threat to the elderly and some sadly predisposed.
Just because he is a scientist doesn't mean he can't have some odd views. And yes, as in ALL PROFESSIONS as I have previously said, there are corrupt people, sociopaths, loonies...the lot But I genuinely believe the government wanted to protect lives, that was their ultimate aim.
Look at Israel and their vaccine programme. They value their people....especially the elderly, the living recepticals of their Holocaust memories. They would never mess with the lives of their fellow citizens.