Here's a story. You tell me the answer ....
what happened to my neighbours son. A boy who played with my twins until a couple years ago when he outgrew them (he's two years older).
He was a nice, well mannered boy. Not the brightest, but anyway. I loved him. He had a few very odd traits. When I first met him he was 2 1/2 and he would literally run into the road in front of cars if he mum started to talk to someone. Terrifying. He would come to play and for no rhyme nor reason he would break or damage something! Almost every time he came around, which was often.
After some years he was diagnosed with ADHD.
He was bullied at school.
His mother was the biggest narcissist I have EVER met. EVER. Which I think explained the running into the road for attention. A mother who regularly beat him until I threated to report her. She did stop and claimed it was a cultural thing.
His father was a nice, gentle man who took him to football practice and was the family backbone.
One day the police came around looking for his mother and said there's been an accident. My heart stopped beating ....but it was his father. Killed whilst riding his bike, during lockdown.😥 The boy tried to throw himself out of his bedroom window.
Almost instantly the boy changed. Started smoking weed on his doorstep with the ne'r do well's. He was so, so out of it each day in the way the young can get so smashed, you know?
Then something terrible happened. He got in a fight and stabbed someone with a screwdriver he was carrying (two girls!) It will be a political judgement because there's a big anti-violence against women thing in London ATM, due a policeman murdering a woman he kidnapped.
What do we do with a 16 year old like that? You tell me!😥