hoser11 hours ago
I call bullshit on the 20,000 deaths as well. Statistically being one of Jehovah’s witnesses puts you at a higher risk for respiratory illness. Unless many had a secret cigarette smoking habit and never got caught.
The reason Jehovah's witnesses have a higher rate of respiratory illnesses (and I don't doubt a higher rate for heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and probably certain types of preventable cancers) is explained by evolutionary medicine.
The problem is Watchtower's historical aversion to sports and any form of regular exercise that takes time away from the organization.
Exercise in youth lays down bone mass which is a preventative in osteoarthritis. Exercise helps prevent respiratory illnesses, heart disease and diabetes. Exercise and maintaining healthy weight lowers risk of some forms of cancer (colorectal, uterine and breast for eg).
I think, given their demographic, 20,000 deaths out of 8 million JWs sounds a more than reasonable number.