Fantastic young people - proud of you !
talked for about 45 minutes with 2 cart people .
daniel wiebe (his vid) emily, and myself (csf) .
caught them lying 4x on very important topics.
Fantastic young people - proud of you !
if disfellowshipping was to be done away with, aside from the authorities that should be informed of child abuse so it may be dealt with legally, how should these one`s be dealt with within the congregations?.
looking at the eclipse today, 1) bible confirmed, the shadow on the moon shows it is hung on nothing, (no ropes showing either).-- 2) bible proven wrong, no pillars of the earth job 9:6 projected against the moon .
no four corners of the earth either, not a flat disk on the horizon either.
rumor confirmed: canadian bethel workers aware they might be curtailed too, even if it is cheap to run the georgetown operation with the government picking up the tab for healthcare etc.
yes prologos, the jews were (still are)big on astronomy for obvious reasons, its very obvious when you look at the shadow the earth produces on the moon the earth is round. Also the word specifically meant round not sphere.
The greek Eratosthenes conducted a fairly simple experiment to demonstrate around 300 bc that the earth was in fact a sphere anyway. Probably around the time some of the hebrew scriptures were written.
yep, everyone who has ever lived has died.... and witnesses teach that every nonwitness deserves to be killed at armageddon ..... how many are born each day?
yet, how many become witnesses each day?.
so the longer it takes for armageddon come, the more people will die?
heaven For one thing, these people are naked. GASP!
And....they don't care! Yes, the shame of nudity is just another human (cultural)construct religon!
NB Yes delay armaggedeon to bring a few more into the watchtower, nevermind that each year that goes by adds millions more for God to kill - the maths don't add up at least not to a rational, compassionate being
here in france we received instruction to stand back from the cart.. so you can see "angels" witnessing with a cart by its own, no one around, and no one cares, i stayed a while, did my shopping, and half an hour later the "poor angel" was still there on his own.... i guess wherever is the publisher, he s hard working counting his hours..
safe to say, if you walked up to any of the 8 million jehovah's witnesses on earth today and told them the.
governing body was a fiction, not only would they refuse to believe you--they'd consider you their immediate enemy!.
what if i told you jw's embrace a mental construct which is at odds with history?.
Bookmarked, Terry as always
Thank you
in view of the recent financial pressures being spun as opportunities to hasten armageddon, i think we should look again at the meaning behind their cultic warning of "all must be ready to obey intructions, whether appearing sound or not".
by dripping these creepy injunctions into the watchtower study and therefore into the conditioned and receptive mind of the jw, how long will it be before they are able to decree something like this?......
jw tv broadcast july 2017.
i've always wondered about this.
i've always felt the main reason the borg made publishers do time slips/field service reports was to show that they are doing a community service to justify their tax exempt status.
we all know about their money grabs with the kh build scams, their selling off millions of dollars in real estate, etc.
i've always wondered about this.
i've always felt the main reason the borg made publishers do time slips/field service reports was to show that they are doing a community service to justify their tax exempt status.
we all know about their money grabs with the kh build scams, their selling off millions of dollars in real estate, etc.
A constitution deez nutz😎
edit: sorry that was my 10 yr old son.
I was trying to say according to the fusion piece tax exempt status for religon is not written into the constitution.
ok.....ya gotta hear this ......pops, who is 80 + , slightly nacisistic, slight case of alzheimers, and a stubborn good ol man.. decided to grow a pretty nice lookin goatee this week..... elders swooped on him so quick, it was crazy....... pops looked like he was diggin the whole show of testosterone being flung in his face , but he stood his ground and smiled.... when the dust settled, and pops had his say..... he replied......"im imitating jesus, and jehovah "....!!!!.
omg...the smile on my face, and the one on my dads was priceless......along with the frowns on theirs... thats all....just wanted to share that..
Dad stole the show!!!!