t like the idea of hanging my future on a reaction to a negative. (the JW religion)
When I first began participating on this site, I realized there is a formula that is supposed to be followed of leaving, poking fun at the religion, look to science and lastly, become an atheist.
That feels like pressure.
I want to have my own experience - something the JWs do not allow.
I do wish there were more opportunities for friendly discussions about the topic but the folks here that believe in God are pretty quiet and the atheists are as zealous as the JWs
millie210 I agree with you, and although I am someone who has followed that formulae to a tee and am now an athiest I feel very uncomfortable with the fact that thiests are nervous about expressing their views on this forum. I love the idea of you following your own path, thats cool. Thats what we should all be about here - ACCEPTANCE.
I personally am still grieving over Jesus.I really miss him being in my life. I know it seems foolish but there it is.