welcome heartsafire (great handle)
It's always interesting how people relate back with the things that really resonate with them the most. For me it was really the whole 607 thing, also the way they hid their history - there is nothing wrong with making mistakes , its lying about them that is wrong, I mean isn't that one of the first things we teach our kids?
And yes, I agree with you the child abuse thing is dreadful. Christians should want complete transparency - its the very opposite of loving to sweep it under the carpet. I used to think that it was wrong to talk about how awful violence is and yet PRACTICE that very violence on our little ones. I know its a generational thing to some extent but surely Gods organization should be leading the way when it comes to protecting the vulnerable not dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century .
Anyway, you sound like a brave lass, 5 gen eh? Wow,you are going to need a lot of strength I really really hope you can get through to hubby. Many people say that its not the bare facts but the emotional side of things eg lack of love that wakes them up. Might be worth thinking about re: hubby.๐