JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
We discovered a Dyson Sphere! . . . maybe
by Coded Logic inokay, okay, okay - i know we're not supposed to jump to conclusions.
but the odds this is a "naturally occurring event" are pretty low.
and it's just the sort of megastructure we would expect an advanced alien civilization (type 2) to build.
Haven't clicked the link yet but...no way!! I know a little bit about the Fermi Paradox...yikes!!Is this click bait or for real?!! -
Our son becomes a teenager today it's also our 27th Anniversary
by cantleave inhappy birthday to our son kessan, i hope he doesn't do this to us.
Congratulations Cantleave!🎉
I have exactly 682 days until I'm gonna have 2 sweet little boys morph into KEVINS! Thanks for reminding !😜
Bas#@&#$, the one decent thing about Christianity and they have to negate it. -
If Jehovah's Witnesses were a cereal, what would they be?
by Zoos incult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
Thanks to Snakesinthetower's list- Waffelos – (Late 1970s-early 1980s)
- Wackies – (1965–1967)
The Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove
by Lee Elder inthe watchtower and jehovah's witnesses are fond of saying there are no automatic sanctions for taking blood.
that they no longer disfellowship someone who takes blood.
that they have a "free choice" in the matter.
Lee Elder hi, I cannot see the document unfortunately, may I ask if you get a chance to email it /message it. I would like to keep a copy as I am a hospital nurse. -
How to deal with anxiety?
by BlackWolf inlately my mental health has been rapidly declining.
i have anorexia and deppression, and my anxiety has become overwhelming.
i have been to many doctors/therapists in the past, but because i have not been magically cured my parents dont want to get me any more help.
Blackwolf If you have anorexia you need to be under a specialist clinician. It is an extremely dangerous condition, and a long slog to get better.
Ring or contact an Anorexia helpline, this is your no 1 priority. Anorexia is all about attempting to control an environment you feel completely lost/uncontrollable in.
Check out JW.facts too.❤❤xxx
IMAGE QUIZ -just for fun
by nicolaou infirst person to identify this building and its location gets to post the next image .
and on we go!.
catails I just want to say the church and the area looks absolutely stunning - I so want to visit the states one day, now Rhode island is on my list.
You guys are too good at this!
And now for something really controversial !
by jhine inok , the new james bond theme .
is it really a bond theme ?
i'm not sure , no mention of the film title , no nod to bond at all .
Jhine & AwakeatLast I agree 100% Daniel Craig is no James Bond - too rough looking, no charm. James Bond is really a scotsman surely there is a decent scottish actor who could play the part
I'm not a James Bond fan at all. I prefer Johnny English......he's more believable
LOL 😄 -
Who Qualifies for TTATT?
by John Aquila inwhen i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
he 20 +year old is a quadriplegic, he can't go out and have fun and serve his community. He needs someone to push his wheel chair, change his diaper, feed him etc. His jw family does that.
sorry john, didn't understand, thAt's terrible. This is what kills me about loosing my faith, the pain of knowing the universe is profoundly indifferent to us, faced with such suffering - well, I know you know....I cant say any more
apologies for my stupidity
Who Qualifies for TTATT?
by John Aquila inwhen i first learn ttatt i started telling every one.
ttatt will not help him, it will destroy him.
all his family are jws.
I guarantee half the congo think he's a w@*#*r.
Sorry I shouldn't have posted that, I forget you know him, I'm just putting my 'own stuff 'about young elders onto him. I am sure he's a really nice guy.😉
(Still think 20's too young to be an elder though! )