My first experience with anti cult views was probably field service. We went out in service a LOT. We lived among a very educated population. Many of those people liked to get in long discussions about philosophical/theological issues, often for their own entertainment I think, and I still remember many of the conversations. It's interesting, because of course you are SUPPOSED to go out in service and have discussions with people, but doing that exposed me to all sorts of interesting ideas
Hi Faye, Hi all,
I 've sometimes wondered if this is one of the reasons the WT are pushing (geddit?😄)cart witnessing. What with the internet combined with more people educated generally but also specifically re cults, atheism, the biological sciences, evolution & now the Royal Commision etc are the dark tower worried that Jdubs, rarther than enlightening the householder, are more likely to get enlightened themselves . Whereas people are less likely to lecture cart witnesses regarding their folly if they are not being actively engaged in conversation themselves.
That and legal reasons - always something they have to consider these days, especially if they have a lot of paedophile pioneers' on the loose.