JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Can't Understand Why This Is Allowed
by mariet ini moved to roseburg, oregon.
the jehovah's witnesses are allowed to set up a display and man it right outside of the local library, and they are there every day and hour the library is open.
i am [redacted], the director of the douglas county library system and wanted to respond to your website email of december 11, 2015. i have consulted with the county attorneys office about your concern about jehovahs witnesses use of the front porch of the library building in roseburg, and my understanding of the law is as follows.. .
Often thought of that. Anti witnessing literature as such. -
People keep sending me messages saying "what happened?"
by slimboyfat ini am sorry i haven't replied and if it seems rude.
but people keep asking me what happened and i am not sure what to say.
thanks for writing anyway.
Why can't people be like you and cofty , have your disagreements but still be civil and have a laugh? Bit depressing really. I loved this place at first but I see so many sanctimonious types. Gawd -
People keep sending me messages saying "what happened?"
by slimboyfat ini am sorry i haven't replied and if it seems rude.
but people keep asking me what happened and i am not sure what to say.
thanks for writing anyway.
Hey kid don't worry about it, just because you don't fit in with the JW net " orthodoxy" " the firm" give you a work over....or they tried but I think you won the day. How arrogant of them to " ask how you are" . BS. -
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
OK watched it. Pretty poor.. Heavy handed and predictable.
However we can all complain about this stuff but since my sons just been diagnosed with dyslexia I am probably not the best person to give an opinion...I say thank goodness for readjustment scoring to make things fairer for those with a disability.
But I get that average people with average backgrounds may be disadvantaged. In my experience its still who you know and how personable or likeable you are that guarantees success. I call it the David Nivan effect.
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
Yes I heard a good discussion about this on radio 4. Apparently an academic at a leading American university has written a book about this mind "coddling". One of the triggers for this train of thought was a viral of a colleague being verbally attacked and called a racist by a student.I think the scene was triggered by a discussion over Halloween costumes of all things. The students had put out flyers requesting that costumes be toned down in order not to offend delicate sensibities.
Anyway basically this coddling has resulted in a kind of thought fascism on American campuses where new or different ideas are stifled by the radical left if I can call it that. I will watch the vid ....funnily enough some sites claim that is the case here..that there is an orthodoxy of thought on JWnet and if it gets broached it results in at least a dressing down and occasionally being banned.
by morningworship inthis brother is really sharp and i personally saw first hand all the things that he mentioned.
without max larson and george couch, these guys are not business minded.
all you have left is a bunch of ex-co's and service department guys trying to run a org and pick up the pieces where the real thinkers left off.
The story about his friend with the limp is really terrible poor dude..and believe me he is going to suffer with that injury in later life..how unloving for people to know he'd been hit by a FORKLIFT but do nothing because MONEY is their priority, despite their millions.
The brother is a good guy for reaching out to dismissed bethelites..because I will put money on people getting desperate at some point & in the not too distant future too. Good post.
by Doug Mason inmary gives birth to a girl..
jesus shares the lead in his ministry with a woman..
half of jesus leading disciples and half of his apostles are women..
you are not a dreamer oppostate lennon ~it will happen one day ?2000 years or less
there where women apostle* junia for one wtbts makes her male
Ray's Books. And Copyrights!
by DwainBowman inthe copyright owner has posted a message on the internet, and can be found below!.
ray franz.
Oubliette, there haven't been many advocating some sort of illegal activity in regards to the copyright of Rays books at all, you are looking at a mere tiny handful , the majority of us have expressed disbelief, frustration in regards to the availability of the books , and there has been an agenda driven reason these threads have appeared on here today and the copyright issue is a secondary one, you couldn't make this stuff up!
/\/\/\/\ thisSorry but the books lack of availability is the primary reason for the illegal pdf's. In this small scale production/demand situation that is PATENTLY noone's fault. Hopefully it will be soon available, hooray! However to expect a nervous ,conflicted Jehovahs witness emerging from the darkness of cult thinking to instigate and collaborate in for eg a share funding endeavour to get it legally printed or payy £100 on amazon is naive. They will surreptitiously download the first PDF that comes up on a search and read it in the bathroom at night. I just don't think there is any nepharious intent going on and as soon as it is available I am sure it will sell well and illegals will disappear out of respect, I truly do. -
Bill Bowens letter / circumstantial evidence hypocracy
by Diogenesister injust wondering if the senior council for arc has been made aware of this major inconsistency from the watchtower regarding the two witness rule.
they claim two witnesses are required to disfellowship and that circumstantial evidence is not enough, yet what is someone's staying overnight in the same building as one of the opposite sex if not circumstantial?
( not to mention the absurdity that sex only takes place in bed at night)again it seems the possibility of adultery is more serious than child abuse.jesus did not say one can divorce his mate if he strongly suspects that adultery was committed.
Thanks Joe134cd. It's staggering that they are being adamant it require's two witnesses to disfellowship in the case of child abuse yet with adultery they are specifically mandating that CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence is enough to disfellowship. -
Crisis of Conscience- World Wide Cease & Desist
by Newly Enlightened inhttp://www.commentarypress.com/copyright/.
The agenda driven hysteria about this is sickening.....they got their asses chewed off on other sites when they tried to stir up this rubbish there