Cofty the letter you sent to your local paper was fantastic...could it be adapted for the Nationals as our view as to why we support the charity commissions work investigating this cult? Countersigned by as many who wish to?
it has power..
i think the time has come for another letter to the local paper to alert the nice people of berwick what its all about.. my last letter went down well.... .
Cofty the letter you sent to your local paper was fantastic...could it be adapted for the Nationals as our view as to why we support the charity commissions work investigating this cult? Countersigned by as many who wish to?
it has power..
well, well, that was quite a heartfelt welcome on this site four days ago.
thank you all for the encouraging replies.
one of them was this one from magnum: "hey now, don't just pop your head in and disappear.
?” He told me he still believes we’re living in the last days and he just loves sharing bible stories with elderly persons during field service,
Ahhh..sounds like what I call a real Christian....isn' t it great that people can really open their hearts to you without fear of judgement. Now times that by billions...all with their own loves, insecurities, experiences...can you imagine the ultimate being wanting to KILL them all for not thinking by the JW book?? Pah!!
i would like to know if witnesses are still using the reasoning book in the field service.
i am asking about it, because i had read that it is currently out of print, doesn't it??
the first thought b many was that this jw family was taking their son out of the uk hospital in order to avoid the almost guaranteed need for a blood transfusion.. it was later recognized it was about the refusal of the uk health system to allow them any questions or choices in the care of their son.
they wanted proton beam therapy for the brain tumor which is much less devastating on his little body, and much more accurate.
a later interview the father admitted he was a father first, and if his son needed a blood transfusion he would get one.
Yes I ' m afraid I was one who judged initially...only to realize I couldn' t have been more wrong about this family.
The attitude of some NHS staff is if you are a charity case that needs to be grateful, shutup and make no decisions about your own body.
My husband pointed out this great article to glad.
i am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
. The case went badly for the WT due to the fact the Government was able to show that the WT was just a publishing house and that they were never registered as anything else, certainly not a religion.
This sounds interesting....
ours was on making use of phone witnessing and letter writing.
both ineffective and wastes of time.
another local cong.
When I heard this, I then realised that perhaps this is why they left the % increase box blank in the annual report. How can they claim the work is speeding up with all those KH builds and renovations needed if the % increase box was eiTher nil or negative
hi NicolasKop Am I right in thinking you mean the annual UK report had left the percentage increase box blank and if so is this the first time this has happened? Did it happen in other countries does anyone know? Thanks for any replies!
hey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
Hi Stepford...,(you are so not a Stepford wife btw!!!)
there is a "faders guide"on here, unfortunately I cannot use the search facility on my mobile, (if someone could post link I would appreciate it) it may be under a user called "the searcher"he's a current fader and gives great advice - could you pm him if you cannot find it?
generally you should avoid meeting elders, they come in twos for a reason - to dig for evidence. Their priority is the org and the cong/their own butts, not you - ordinary publishers come way down the list.
If you must meet them I believe being stumbled by the arc is your best option as it allows you to keep tighter reigns on your daughter. Say you just need time to sort things out yourself, wait on jah etc rinse and repeat - don't give them anything else. Many folks site depression/anxiety issues but this may be awkward if hubby as an elder doesn't want to mislead. They will not inform other halls and their desperate need for men taking the lead may work in your favour re hubby's position - though if they have already mentioned his stepping down that may be a done deal - be prepared for them to use his position to blackmail you into coming back. I would suggest you asking them to watch the arc with you in order to respond to your question - that may send them scarpering !!!!! Lol!
I wish u all the best but I will say freeing your daughter would be my priority, imho ! Xxxxx
if a new topic hangs for ages with spinning icon at "queued for processing " should you give up and post a new copy of the thread or will the eventually result in two threads?.
if it has cleared the first tick "uploading post" can you safely click away from the page?.
servers seem a bit slow recently?.
there's another odd bug I should probably report, where sometimes my excellent posts don't seem to gather the number of thumbs up likes they deserve.
This has been a cause of concern to me for some time....if fact I wonder if the processing cues have been caused by so many people hitting the like button at once?!
i believe this has happened with myself in the past ..,😎😎
just want to take a moment and mention how exceptional the moderator is here @simon.
been on many many forums and you'll be pressed to find a more fair person.
he creates a safe environment where the chicanery is a minimum.
Hadriel grow up.... You tried to throw your weight around and make threats on exjwreddit and because they are fair enough to listen to both sides of the story you are pissed.
your behaviour is extremely transparent.