Governing Body
Governing Body “Helpers”
Branch committee
Circuit overseer
......Jesus comes in somewhere between ministerial servant and female pioneer, off the top of my head
hi friends, feel free to correct me where i`m wrong with this post.after all it`s just my observation of jw`s and the bible.. in the beginning of gods dealings with adam it was on a personal level , god to man so to speak.. god then dealt with humans via the patriarchs , then with the levi priesthood ,then judges ,( and a woman was a judge ) then kings ,somewhere in between all of this prophets played a major part ,and then came jesus christ the messiah.. and to my knowledge god has not validated a successor to him with any evidence i`ve seen .. jehovah`s witnesses claim to be christians but have with no new testament backing usurped jesus with jehovah.. this period of time ,until god says otherwise ,christians are to give honour and glory to none other than jesus christ .. that is the name that is above any other name until god says otherwise.
phil.2:9-11. not the name jehovah .the bible never says anything about a kingdom of jehovah ,the coming kingdom is the kingdom of jesus christ with his associate 144,000 earthly subjects.. this is just my understanding of what the bible actually says .. whether i believe it or not is another matter..
Governing Body
Governing Body “Helpers”
Branch committee
Circuit overseer
......Jesus comes in somewhere between ministerial servant and female pioneer, off the top of my head
i hope you are all doing ok and healing from the cult.
i’m looking for an image of the old woman donating to watchtower but also in the same pic looking in her fridge and having little to eat.
i need it for a video for youtube.
Watchtower doesn’t even understand....that scripture was not intended to commend the widow, but to condemn the religious leaders....the fat cats at the top!!!
Jehovah’s witnesses...does that not ring a bell with you?!!
Luke 20:45 “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, 47 who devour widows houses’, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.”
i'm a uc berkeley student researching the effects of disaffiliation from the jehovah's witnesses.
i'm not ex-jw but i am ex-mormon and as your cousin i can sympathize with the struggles we face when we question/leave the religion.. i currently have a survey open which closes on sunday the 20th at 11pm.. if you meet the criteria i encourage you to take the 20-30 minute survey.
-be at least 18 years old-born/raised jw (born in or family converted when you were minor)-"left" at least 6 months ago (left=inactive and questioning/non-believing).
Yes my neighbour stroked my cat the other day - I think it's a scam.
what on earth would anyone have to gain from answering a survey on your feelings on disassiciation from a cult?
the most powerful love in the universe is unconditional love.. a love that has no requirements or conditions.
no actions are necessary to receive it.. this love is all around us and can be easily seen.
watch any mother with its new born baby.
Parental love is unconditional love,
You see I disagree that parental love in unconditional.
It could be argued that parental love is predisposed by genetic programming, that it's just an evolutionary process in action.
You could argue that real love is one whereby you have nothing to gain on any level. Romantic love certainly doesn't count in that respect and neither would parental love.
When you send money to a hungry stranger, is that unconditional? In a way not really, because even then you have something to gain - a feeling of wellbeing.
So doesn't all love have some kind of condition attached to it, at least for us as humans? Perhaps there's a species somewhere in the universe that has trully unconditional love.
Perhaps it's doing your duty, as Kant described. Perhaps that is love.
unbelievable admissions.. freddie confesses he fell for his own propaganda..
Vandy can you send me a link to the video you posted? I think it’s been taken down.
Researchers into Fred Franz early life discovered he didnt even sit the exams for the Rhodes Scholarship (I imagine he would have been competing with many others throughout the whole USA!! So I don’t know what his chances were).
He completed just two semesters of undergraduate studies. None of which were in Hebrew. Fred Franz was a liar in my opinion. It seems to come with the territory of being a JW leader. I simply don’t believe a person with a truly exceptional intellect would fall for Russell’s gobble-de-gook.
'' has your desire to put jehovah first been tested during this pandemic?
you lost your job and you searched for another one.
finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service.
“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.“1 Tim 5:8
Have you never heard that scripture, Mr. Splane? It reads very straightforward. No ambiguity way Watchtower can twist those words. But you said :
”A family member may wish to provide for his family....?”
A kid doesn’t need to take that paper round. Auntie Ethel has no responsibility to finance great grandads car....but head of households - parents - must support their kids”
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious..
LTTBK - You are confusing having an open mind with a head that is so open your brain fell out.
sorry LTTBK I’m not laughing at you, but you’ve got to admit that’s funny!
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
The extreme Bin Laden philosophy is what was the problem. The world is not a safer place since that horrendous day. Terrorism is the norm today. We always have to be vigilant and never forget what can happen again and WHY it happened.
Yes. And that was the result of extreme *”Wahabism “ , the form of Islam enforced , promoted and financed by the Saudi Royal family. I don’t believe the Mujahadeen played any part in forming his extreme views.
Believe me it was traumatizing for most people. When I heard the cry of someone actually trapped in the building I blacked out. It was a primordial response to one of my species being so terrified I think.
*may have spelt that wrong
True that Mustard. Blacks live in a rotten self imposed culture.
whist you borrow from said “rotten culture” ( “True that” is a Jamaican saying, originally. It’s called ‘cultural appropriation’ dontcha know!)
emma peelyou’re oh so thrillin’ when you’re bashin’ in a villainin a tight black leather catsuit, yes indeed!head held highyou won’t dawdle but accelerate the throttle as you .
toss a wink to handsome partner steedemma pealyou crave adventure in your role as an avengercool and pretty with such witty repartee’deserving of a kudo with the lithe and limber judoyou’re the boss with every tosser comes your wayemma pealmay break the rules but she’ll never suffer fools(though she’ll make the fools soon suffer for their crime!
)nemesis to haughty ones, a darling to her audiencethe champion trendsetter of her timeemma pealwe’d love to kiss you every fan is gonna miss you(i am reaching for the tissue) as i cryas a true and loyal fan ireally know (you are diana)it’s the ending of an era bye and byebeautiful dianafond adieu …rest in peace my angellove, terry.
Wow. That’s fantastic Terry.
It was a sort of Rap....the way it was structured and best said aloud. I mean YOU threw away the rules, too. Sorta. Shit. I’m very impressed sir. I think her family would surely appreciate reading that.