I think some kind of NHS would be great, but, again, I'm just concerned about all those who don't deserve it benefitting by it. And the money still has to come from people who
Thank you Magnum for explaining something that we in Britain find hard to understand. Do you not think everyone deserves medical care? Wherever they are from?
Im a determinist. I believe we don’t have free will.
Many things that you feel make people deemed ‘worthy’ of govt intervention - such as medical care, unemployment benefit etc etc - seem to be things such as ability to thrive via work or study, being an English speaker, integrating into a Northern European style culture etc I believe are mostly accident of birth. Yes, even ability to work hard is something that comes via either upbringing or DNA....in the same way musical ability is or sporting ability. When you realise that we, none of us, are in our relative situations in life from purely our own efforts you will see that either no one - or everyone - is deserving of medical care etc etc