Is it a fiat of some kind, Pete? Looks Italian, anyways!
Have you seen these guys?ExJW car fanatics who take part in fares and parades. I think they're pro mechanics too.
how many of you enjoy car projects?
we do one for the parade most every year.
this year was a bust but the project is done and ready for next july.
Is it a fiat of some kind, Pete? Looks Italian, anyways!
Have you seen these guys?ExJW car fanatics who take part in fares and parades. I think they're pro mechanics too.
nearly two weeks ago, sir james munby, a privy council member, formerly a law commission chairman, high court's family division president, and a lord justice of appeal, issued a short emergency order in a blood transfusion case closely resembling mcewan's the children act.. here are some excerpts:.
2. the case involves the deeply troubling question of whether a blood transfusion should be administered to a young woman who is almost, not quite, 16, against her profound religious beliefs.
Thank you for posting.
Thank goodness the judge seems to be saying we need to ensure this doesn't keep coming back to court every time she needs a transfusion because, despite her heartfelt wishes and "Gillick competency' he thinks risk to her life too severe (funny how every JW kid is deemed bright and articulate in these cases, because they've been fully primed!!) It seems the darn parents put her through a court case every time she needs blood (she's almost certainly got leukemia)
God I feel so passionate about these cases I want to scream. I get so upset.
russia's reason for banning jehovah's witnesses is said to be due to extremism.
but what exactly does that mean, or refer to?
specifically, what practice (or practices) of jehovah's witnesses does russia consider to be extreme?
According to some statements by the Russian authorities, it appears to be
A. The destruction of Famillies due to the cruel shunning policy
B. What we would term 'hate speach' toward the state and other religions
C. The blood ban putting Russian lives at risk
Of course, there are further reasons they don't talk about publicly.
Such as the fact they are a specifically American cult (like Scientology & Mormonism, also banned) which fleeces Russian citizens of their hard earned cash and sends it back to a(rich) American cult.
whilst i have never quite understood whether petra and atlantis are one or multiple entities i recognise the value of their work and web of contacts.
i think it is fair to say that no-one has consistently contributed more solid gold intelligence to this site.
no one has reliably passed on more bomb shells and solid news as well as day to day minutiae.
That's very interesting Pistol Pete, though somewhat depressing!!
....kinda sounds like they could morph into another version of themselves, in order to donate to themselves, and so on ad infinitum!!😲😋
if you live in the u s a or the united kingdom, this is how the wt society views your government, your nation :-.
yes, as an ugly, evil terrifying beast !
this is based on the book of revelation chapter 13 , quoted as follows in the revelation climax book.
I think they came up with the idea shortly after ww2 when the US and Britain were on the same side
Very likely Hoser. Watchtower is so parochial...only sees its immediate surroundings, as such. As another poster commented, very American/western-centric. Incapable of seeing outside its bubble.
if you live in the u s a or the united kingdom, this is how the wt society views your government, your nation :-.
yes, as an ugly, evil terrifying beast !
this is based on the book of revelation chapter 13 , quoted as follows in the revelation climax book.
My favourite brand of glasses are called "Anglo-American" lol
It's a word, it's not an Empire...not even close. We had an Empire once. I think America...are they Apostates from the Empire??😜
Anyway, just an aside, Watchtower has always referred to the feet as being made of clay & iron, am I right? Lloyd Evens, in a recent video, said that in the nineties watchtower changed or flip flopped its ideas, saying the toes were many small political entities, de-colonized & derived from earlier empires. But I think they've always said this? Is that true? Or do I mis remember? However the feet have always been made of clay and iron - always represented the Anglo American empire.
This never changed, did it? Or am I going nuts?
so the past couple of years, i’ve read several stories about jws who left the organization at an early age because they knew something wasn’t right------but they never bothered to research the religion.
there was this feeling that the watchtower was not god’s only channel.
so they left at an early age.
Pistolpete I couldn't agree more. That very thing could have happened to my kids if it weren't for the ARC, Ray Franz and this site.
I left the religions clutches when I got together with and married my husband. However although I had major problems with the blood doctrine I had begun to talk to my kids about "the truth".The blood doctrine was the major issue for me and truth be told it was only because I didn't want to be a hypocrite and rely on the state to protect my children if they needed lifesaving blood that I didn't go back. You see I'd seen witness parents show relief when the doctors took the burden of administering blood from them. They knew in the UK their children would not be allowed to die. So it was easy for them, not so in other countries. I thought it was unfair some parents should have that burden when I knew I didn't have to worry about it as a UK witness. I didn't agree with it and was not prepared to just keep quiet knowing I was "ok Jack". I myself was fully prepared to refuse it but I knew I would never be able to refuse it for my kids. So I could not in fairness be a witness. However if it wasn't for that I would have indoctrinated the fear of Armageddon into them.
Leaving isn't enough, you have to do the research.
2020--articles of association and bylaws--3 pages.. .
2020--notice of special meeting in december--8 pages.
if you are a jw read carefully before you sign.. .
Dear God Marc O Donnell is a complete ass on that thread, pompous as hell.
Honestly Petra he's not worth bothering with.
This just suits him fine. Does it seem some folks don't like it when others have access to info, too?
Writing his little blog has gone to his head, he thinks he's got the inside scoop on everything & will deign to let us know when and if. Infuriating.....
God help me I never say this as it usually means the arguments lost when you do...but...he really is acting all "secret squirrel" just like some jumped up elder "we have this info, a much bigger scandal, not like those silly papers, but we can't tell you at this time." Sod off!!!
australian senator anna rushton has said that all orgs who "don't take reasonable steps to join the redress scheme" will be stripped of their charitable status come feburary 2021..
Australian Senator Anna Rushton has said that all orgs who "don't take reasonable steps to join the redress scheme" will be stripped of their charitable status come Feburary 2021.
whilst i have never quite understood whether petra and atlantis are one or multiple entities i recognise the value of their work and web of contacts.
i think it is fair to say that no-one has consistently contributed more solid gold intelligence to this site.
no one has reliably passed on more bomb shells and solid news as well as day to day minutiae.
What the hell is going on?????
My blood pressure just hit the roof when I saw that post!
Pleeeeeeese I beg of you Atlantis and Petra DONT pay Marc any mind he's not the brightest spark and says some pretty lame things (Cedars often has to reign him in, in a nice way).
I'm begging you both. Please.
I remember when Covert fade was trully obnoxious to BCG the abuse survivor from The Australian Royal Commission ....what is it with the arrogance of these guys??? They get too big for their boots!!