ShotwhiletryingToEscape! must be tough for these poor little kids.
Yes I’m really sorry, particularly for kids who grow up in places where medicine isn’t available and intersex kids who’ve gone through a male puberty with YXX chromosomes are raised female. Then when they excel at sports and it’s discovered, they are labelled as “cheats”.
MBC So does the cult believe in the transgender crap?
Nah....just anointed women who will change into male Kenny Rogers clones!!!
Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."
Dude I can’t believe what you found!! No wonder this scripture didn’t make it into the final cut!!
Anony Mous: I think for a long time they actually held that women could not be anointed.
Earnest I have no reason to believe that is true. Can you provide any support for this assertion?
Earnest I think you’re right, they’ve always believed women had a heavenly hope, because in Russell’s time they all did. They even had women directors/Trustees of the Watchtower Corp. If anything they’ve become more hardline in their attitude to women...a hangover of the misogyny of Rutherford, Knorr and Franz.