This wasn't someone annoyed at being called. No one is that bothered.
It's probably just kids up to no good. Look at the grammar, for one.
if it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
This wasn't someone annoyed at being called. No one is that bothered.
It's probably just kids up to no good. Look at the grammar, for one.
so me and my pimi wife are driving today and normally we don't talk anything about her stupid cult.
because it will end up with me saying something and her getting p.o'ed.
well anyways i have been trying to just ignore the bs and keep my mouth shut.
JWUD Well, to be honest, that is one of the ways that JWs draw people in. They call on, send letters to, and visit people who are at risk. They draw in the lonely and people who need help. I saw this happen all the time. It is very possible that an elderly woman received such a letter and carried it in her purse. It is highly unlikely that the person who helped her was the same person who sent her the letter. The JWs often inflect truths with non-truths.
I was thinking that, too JWUndubbed . It’s not unusual for the elderly to carry & treasure personal letters of any kind. Maybe there to read fully at an opportune moment.
The unbelievable part is that it was the same person.
Its very typical for witnesses to embellish stories in order to validate their beliefs and virtue signal to other dubs.
so me and my pimi wife are driving today and normally we don't talk anything about her stupid cult.
because it will end up with me saying something and her getting p.o'ed.
well anyways i have been trying to just ignore the bs and keep my mouth shut.
I asked my wife, Is this a personal experience from the JW who told you or was it from someone else.
My wife said it was a personal experience.
sorry to say but I think that answer was a bit of “theocratic warfare” to encourage you !! Your wife probably justified it by thinking “well it was a personal experience”, just not by the woman who told it to her!!
watchtower refuses to translate stauros as cross despite having no evidence to refute the long-standing ancient belief that jesus died on a cross; and in spite of evidence that the romans were in fact using crosses in executions by jesus' day.
they shun the word simply because of the use of crosses in ancient pagan religions.. watchtower refuses to refer to their places of worship with the word church because of the word's supposed pagan origin or past usage to refer to pagan places of worship.. now contrast watchtower's self-righteous attitude of avoiding the use of all words having pagan religious usages, with the new testament verse of 2 peter 2:4:.
certainly god did not refrain from punishing the angels who sinned, but threw them into tarʹta·rus, putting them in chains of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment.. tartarus is a word that had rich pagan mythological meaning when it was written in the nt.
Just noticed this L.U.H.E.!
“By God I think (s)he’s got it!!”
Professor ‘Henry Higgins
One thing the WTS doesn't address: the Romans were indeed pagans in the 1st century CE. Their consciences wouldn't have been troubled by crosses having pagan origins.
Get out of that one, WT.
someone i know from england is a nurse.
she told me there was an outbreak at the hospital and she got the virus after being vaccinated.
she said she was told it probably would have been much worse for her had she not gotten vaccinated.
I’m having the vaccine tomorrow.
i just read that civilians can live on military bases.
i was wondering can jw live there and still be in a good standing?
I know You Tuber “Lady Cee” of Critical Thinkers grew up on military bases. Her mother was JW and her father worked for the military (meteorologist?), not sure if he converted later?
if it is a non-jw who did this as a result of their pandemic campaign (letter-writing and telephone calls), jehovah’s witnesses really need to check themselves.
they have been directed by their new york headquarters (since last year shortly after the start of the pandemic) to send letters to only people they know.
people don’t like receiving unwanted, unrequested, unsolicited letters and phone calls, especially from jehovah’s witnesses.. if it is a former member who received a letter as a result letter-writing pandemic campaign- most former members do not like being harassed by active jehovah’s witnesses and have been directed by their new york headquarters to send letters to and call only people they know.. .
“Hate”???? That’s utterly ridiculous. It’s the witnesses that propagate hate. It’s about time that governments cotton on to the fact these cults brainwash kids into viewing their friends and neighbours as satanic, evil and worthy of death.
Can you imagine if a Muslim Madrassa were openly teaching such stuff to kids?? That god will soon murder all of their school friends (of other denominations) because they are controlled by Satan?!! It would be shut down in a heart beat.
as a reminder, the plaintiff in that case, alexis nunez, was abused by her step-grandfather, maximo reyes, who have been disfellowshipped for one year for abusing his children.
she sued the organization for failure to report the known abuse to police and was awarded $35 million by a jury while another plaintiff (her aunt) lost her case.
the supreme court of montana reversed the award, finding that congregation and bethel elders were exempt from duty to report.. the plaintiff then asked the district court to allow her to sue the org again under another legal theory - common law negligence - which has been voluntarily abandoned by her counsel before the trial.
Since the original court deemed Watchtower not only negligent, but maliciously so, as this has gone through I'm really hoping the plaintiff wins out!!
As to the previous judgement, that elders are exempt from reporting, when will the court realize that penitent priest privilege does not apply with Watchtowers judicial process. It is not a penitent privately baring his soul, but a child reporting abuse to the congregation's (Watchtowers) local "managers."
the bible exhorts us to “worship the one who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—deuteronomy 4:24; revelation 14:7.. insight on the scriptures, volume 2 pp 1200-1202. worshipone of the hebrew words conveying the idea of worship (ʽa·vadhʹ) basically means “serve.” (ge 14:4; 15:13; 29:15) serving or worshiping jehovah required obedience to all of his commands, doing his will as a person exclusively devoted to him.
(ex 19:5; de 30:15-20; jos 24:14, 15) therefore, for an individual to engage in any ritual or act of devotion toward any other gods signified his abandoning true worship.—de 11:13-17; jg 3:6, 7.another hebrew term that can denote worship is hish·ta·chawahʹ, which primarily means “bow down” (ge 18:2), or do obeisance.
(see obeisance.
And what father would “choose” one of his children to be special, favoured over all the others and command them to kill their brothers and sisters so they could take their possessions.
If god needed to teach us pure worship he could have appeared to all tribes and taught them all.
Its suspicious that it required one group to steal the land and possessions of another group in order to practice “pure worship”. Not to mention god telling the people to give their silver gold, shekels and best meat to the very men talking to god for them!!!🤔
i have a few jw relatives who are true believers.
by this i mean, they believe with all their heart that 1914 was the beginning of the last days, that this is the last generation, that we are in the very last of the last hour of this system of things, and that you should obey the governing body even if it does not make sense.
all of them are in their 60s and up into their 90s there is nothing you can say or show them to convince them or even cause a small doubt that the wt is not god organization.
MMM Have you noticed that the really committed religious men often wear that solitary pinky ring? It’s like a yell for “creepy-believer-that-doesn’t-really-believe”. It’s not just JWs. It seems to be in all religions. Some church leader gets older and then all of a sudden, out comes a pinky ring.
LOL 🤣 but it’s also because as you get older you put on weight, so your signet rings don’t fit your ring fingers anymore and you have to wear them on your pinky😄