On Bottlegate and embarrassing the WTS, I didn't realise how long ago that was. It was at least five years ago; I was under the impression that it was more recent, and therefore some sort of smoking gun regarding Tony's removal/retirement. That he was some sort of conservative holdout and needed to make way for fresh blood makes more sense now, especially with the recent changes.
That bottle gate thing was blown waaay out of proportion by certain...ahem...regressive activists😉 Talk about speculation, he could have been buying that for any number of reasons. A wedding, (his wedding anniversary party was my guess), a business meeting....witnesses can and do drink, after all.
I think he wouldn't agree to recent changes and either DA'd in anger and was made to sign a gagging order in return for a home etc Or the GB are more decent than we thought and did so out of pity.
I do think Not Former's comment stands that he'd be quite friendless since I'm pretty sure he's not attending meetings (or we'd know by now?) or at least pretty isolated... especially if he's the sociable type (which I'm sure he is). Witnesses are very status-driven, after all and may be a bit leary around him now.