Viennei noticed that a recently completed PhD thesis cited him as a source. That is academic moronism.
Lord Vienne where was that? What was the Phd thesis about?! Boy that will make his ego hit the roof! I wondered if he'd be chirping on about iicsa since its been in the news a lot in the UK (well what a wash out it was)Its come up over our horrific grooming/mass rape scandal. Keir Stalin and Labour have refused a Statutory national enquiry into the Pakistani muslim child grooming gang scandal because they claim iisca (and another equally useless enquiry that mentions the grooming ONCE) have already looked into it and that the latest town involved should have yet another toothless local investigation! Thing is the abuse is nationwide and these local ones dont have the power to supoena the officials that covered it up including the police, social workers,politicians etc on the grounds of "community cohesion" BARF
That would look right good for iicsa if it came out in the press that one of their core participants was a sex tourist and suspected groomer of teenage girls himself!