Are there any tests/interviews they have to go thru to prove it?
JoinedPosts by brainwashed-from-birth
How is a Jehovah'sWitness suppossed to know they are annointed?
by brainwashed-from-birth inare there any tests/interviews they have to go thru to prove it?.
Just write something completely goofy!
by awildflower inso this is inspired by my favorite poet edgar allen john doe!
sometimes we just need to say something completely goofy to relieve tension and have fun.
the pineapple king, with a feather in his hat and a spring in his step, finally helped the chicken cross the road!.
3 funniest words in English language.
per the 4 year old little boy I babysitt.
I think he is a genius
A hopeful but weird and funny dream I woke up from about my old Jehovah's Witness friends and family
by Butterflyleia85 ini had a weird dream last night, a dream i'd love to come true in a sense.
i can't remember all but the bits and peices had my mom, my old best friend lacey and another friend that wasn't from my hall but a good friend crystal, it did have my grandma and sister but they weren't in it as long.
my mom and i were in the car together she said she's been talking to crystal and she too had seen some sorta evidance that jw's were wrong, wrong and actually became worse about menipulating the people.. (in reality crystal has always been a bet rebelous and i didn't understand how she could do things she did and be a jw but i was thankful for her kindness when i got reinstated, she was the only one that actually wanted to hang out with me.).
I have been away for 10 years now and I still occassionaly have dreams about being at the assemblies for some reason. It is so wierd and when I wake up I never know what the heck would have triggered such maddness :-)
Take a picture, it'll last longer
by mrsjones5 intoday both of my youngest boys' classrooms were to have their valentine's party.
i had to rush this morning to walmart and pick up valentines for my youngest son.
then i had quickly to put my boy's name on 24 valentines which i did when my boy was eating breakfast in the school cafeteria.
you should have put her name on one and handed it back to her. Write you saw she was looking jealously at the fun you were having and you did not want her to miss out.
JWs growing in numbers despite opposition and criticism from apostates and other religious commentators. Why?
by african GB Member ini believe there are now over 7 million jws worldwide(correct me if i am wrong).
what makes this growth possible despite all the exposure on the internet and other media?.
not forgetting court cases and lawsuits.. is this not a sign that perhaps this is the true religion?.
There are probably more fake JW now than ever in history. Closet "worldly people" that make appearances due to the "end of the world being near". the real quesiton is:
How can they be so fake and still in their warped minds think they would survive a war with God who can obviously read their minds and know all they do???
To what degree due you think "Internet killed the "Jehovah's Witness" radio star."
by Witness 007 ini remember getting my first crapy computer for $200 bucks and clicking on the internet for the first time....i said to myself: "i may just look up my jehovah's witness brothers on minds watching the watchtower hmmm .
so the nails in my faith coffin began to be hammered in rip.
so how big an influence was the net in your leaving?.
I'm sure it made many GB members and elders very nervous, and I am sure it has helped many people see the non sense in that faith.
Why would he care?
by brainwashed-from-birth ini have been going thru some very hard times lately.
anger and confusion.
i can't see the point in it all.
Wish something would work for me.....Anything at this point.....
Its bad when you kind of wish Amegedon would come cuz it would be better than your current situation.
I know we all have our hard times. I just wish I could find a point. I really really do
Why would he care?
by brainwashed-from-birth ini have been going thru some very hard times lately.
anger and confusion.
i can't see the point in it all.
Zeus. HUH? Very believable...... LOL
Give me a break. Glad those drugs are working for you shamus100.
Why would he care?
by brainwashed-from-birth ini have been going thru some very hard times lately.
anger and confusion.
i can't see the point in it all.
Faith????? Believing in something that can not be proven real. Like fairies or Big Foot. Isn't life kind of short for that. That is why I allowed mysef to be dF'd ..What a crock of poo......
I think the fact that I believe in God at all holds be back.
Why would he care?
by brainwashed-from-birth ini have been going thru some very hard times lately.
anger and confusion.
i can't see the point in it all.
I have been going thru some very hard times lately. Anger and confusion. I can't see the point in it all. Whenever I vent my aggrivation to people I usually get a "leave it in the hands of God", or "Just pray about it and God will help". I mean has anyone ever really had God help them. I think praying just helps relieve your emotions, and helps you wait out the problem. You could talk to your dog and get the same effect. I really wonder sometimes why humans assume that God is watching, or gives a crap about our problems here on earth. He has probably moved on to a new planet without so much greed. Our prayers are even full of greed. I had religion and God pushed down my throat my whole life, and now that I have left, I never think about God in a good way. Guess I don't care anymore. I just wish people had better advice than to talk to a spirit who has never done crap for me.