I'm Puerto Rican/Chilean by injection only..LOL feeling childish!
JoinedPosts by Confuzzled
I'm so white I glow in the dark! I'm mostly from German ancestry, with English/Irish mixed in there.
Sister totally brainwashed!
by outlander inactually i'm not a witness myself, but my sister is.
we are both adults past 50. after reading about the april 15th change coming to the generations pass away belief here, i mentioned it to her.
flip flopping.
I'm a sufferer of Bipolar disorder, and we can smell our own, I knew she was Manic Depressive before you even said anything. This sounds like a grandiose fantasy brought on by mania, and the WTS isn't helping matters. She sounds like she has an addictive personality as well. HOPEFULLY this will be another phase of mania, and eventually the crash will bring her down to earth. The crash, is worse then the mania however. Nothing like bone crippling depression to bring you down to earth. How long has this been going on? This doesn't seem like a typical case of cult indocrination, though. I really can't say, I was never a JW, but I can give you my thoughts from a Manic Depressive stand point.
Do you have Brain Worms? Here's how to tell...
by Elsewhere inthere is a certain brain-eating parasitic worm that produces an odd symptom: it affects your dreams.. .
the following are typical dreams this parasite will cause:.
dreams about not fitting in your car comfortably dreams about driving from the back seatdreams about veering all over the road .
So do i 0_o.
A Visit From The Reformed Village Strumpet
by snowbird inafter a nervous breakdown, i stopped attending meetings in 2005.. i still live in the same place, have the same phone #, and work at the same job.
after about two visits by the elders to "encourage" me, i have been pretty much left alone.
my college daughter is still very much a zealous jw, in fact she was on the circuit assembly program 2 weeks ago.. well, this rabid jw, who once caused a scandal by her most un-jw-like conduct, (i refer to her as a reformed strumped) is calling on the woman who lives across from me.
I know in a lot of your experiences as a recovering JW ("your" meaning the entire Jehovahs-Witness.net community) the luxury of not ever speaking to these ppl again isn't likely because of family members, ect., and Aunt DevoutJW would be furious if you didn't talk to Elder NeverWentToHighSchool.....But weren't you tempted to throw the bitch off your lawn? Or ask her how in the hell she had the right to judge you, being the "strumpet" she was? I know I'll never fully understand the complex relationships and circumstances that come with being a former cult member, and maybe it's me, but wouldn't it be nice to call a spade a spade sometimes? You all amaze me with your patience and kindness you often show these ppl who show up in YOUR OWN HOMES and talk to you like you have a mental defect (or demon, I should say). It seems like you ex-cult members are more Christian AFTER leaving then those assholes then they were ever to you during your entire experience.
New Light on Fat people
by RR inglutton...fails to show love for jehovah.
is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presence of others, does he selfishly ignore their needs and take more than his fair share?
New Light on Fat people
by RR inglutton...fails to show love for jehovah.
is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presence of others, does he selfishly ignore their needs and take more than his fair share?
Maybe this is their excuse for having more perfect ppl in the congos, and for frcing ppl out into field service. The more field service you do, the mre calories you burn off!
New Light on Fat people
by RR inglutton...fails to show love for jehovah.
is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presence of others, does he selfishly ignore their needs and take more than his fair share?
New Light on Fat people
by RR inglutton...fails to show love for jehovah.
is food a big thing in his life?
if in the presence of others, does he selfishly ignore their needs and take more than his fair share?
*Reaches for another Reese's Egg*
JW Weddings, Memories, Practices, Or Common Experiences, Please Share
by Confuzzled inso the bf is out of state for a wedding.
when he told me it was today, the day before easter, during lent, i realized it was probably for one of his jw or lasped jw family members.
he also happened to mention there was no booze at the function (horrors!
OMG Rebecca! Did he check the wedding sheets for virgin blood the next morning 0_o? Thats what the level of control and nuttiness seems like it would lead too.........
Wow...The elders have that much sway over what happens during a private family function? I shouldn't be surprised, giving all I know already. I think my father would have a few choice words for somebody putting their 2 cents in when they didn't contribute literally, 2 cents. LOL at a Catholic, or Episcopalian wedding, the priests are normally the ones full advantage of the open bar.