I hear it everyday from my parents! I have told him repeatedly "To let go of me"...but as much as I can't, he can't either. I'm wondering how much of it has to do with the JWs now. When we fight specifically about his religion he says, "Why do you hate one of the things that is making me draw closer to you, and thats going to make me a better person and father?" I don't know what they are telling him. I don't know if they are trying to convince him to "stick it out" with me. I'd rather him leave me because that's what he wants to do, then stay because some cult thinks it looks good. I know they aren't going to let that big fish go without a fight. His connections, and paycheck, and guilt are what the dwindling WTS desparately need right now. He is also a single, unmarried male with assets (I'd trade ALL OF THAT FOR A CARDBOARD BOX AND NORMALCY!). Plenty of goodly young JW girls would flock to him (and bore him out of his mind). I don't know how the cult is courting him either, if they are doing it positively, or negatively. I think they are doing it in the negative because of the things he says. He doesn't talk about all the supposed "good works" they do like he used too about JWs when he wasn't actively studying. Now all he talks about is his guilt and how they are helping him gain "Gods Protection" back after all his sins. How "humble" he wants to become (I HATE that word!). I think they are feeding on his guilt.
Somebody mentioned to me in a previous thread about how this is a scary time in the world and he might be drawing closer because of it. This is a scary time in his life (trying not to give details) and we have been through much upheaval in the past year. I know he does turn to then when hes stressed, but then after the trouble passes, he goes back to being himself, jovial, vulgar, intelligent, clown, only going to meetings if a family member asks him to go. The difference is, he's being dilligent about it now, and they seem to call his phone now then vice versa. We shall see where this is heading. Thanks for helping me put things in perspective