In light of recent events, I thought this interesting.
JoinedPosts by bsmart
Will JW's still be allowed to be teachers in Wisconsin?
by JH in,2933,218067,00.html.
wisconsin state lawmaker proposes arming teachers after recent shootings.
thursday , october 05, 2006. .
Did You Give Much $$$ To The Kingdom Hall And/Or Watchtower Society?
by minimus ini typically gave $$$ to the local kh and seldom gave donations to the society.. i always am amazed how some church going people have very little materially, yet make sure the church and the pastors are well taken care of..
Maybe $20.00 total, left as soon as I graduated high school and that cash came out of my babysitting money. I am still a little tight with the budget.
Question about this site
by free2beme ini have come to this site for almost a decade.
even though i do not stop by much anymore, i wonder why it has not been upgraded or changed to a more modern format.
it seems like it has basically just been left to what it was upgraded to several years ago.
A lot of us are older too, we kind of match. I've gotten to like it... familiarity and all that.
Why has the WT not tried to shut down this board?
by hamsterbait inwe all know that beth hell monitors this site.. they have repeatedly had sites shut down for quoting large portions of their litterature.
not this one.. do you think this board enables them to keep a finger on the pulse of what is going on in ex and aposto land?
It probably helps that the site is based in Canada too.
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
We are all survivors. Shamus gives us comic relief; and Aguest is sincere (I figure she must wear a football helmet...everyone tackles her eventually) We all cope as best we can.
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
"i hate all of you u but wouldnt consider hanging out anywhere else. Happy new years everyone." fakesmile
l.o.l. Happy new years back .
Prime Directive of Destructive Cults
by Farkel inthe prime directive of all destructive cults is to keep members absolutely convinced they are not involved in a destructive cult.
if that directive is not sustained the game is over for the leaders of the cult.. i thought about this because of an interesting experience i had not more than a half hour ago.
i wanted to call a childhood friend of mine; we had made contact a year or so ago after forty years.
So Farkel, did you find your friend?
Happy New Year from Lee
by Lady Lee inwell it has been an interesting year for me; some heartache; some growth; and a lot of change.
regardless of where we are on our journey away from the jehovahs witnesses we will be confronted with opportunities to learn and grow.
we dont know where life will take us.
Happpppppppy New Year!
I have still got 1 hour and 40 minutes to go
Ironically "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison is playing right now...
by noonehome in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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Welcome, the good thing is you are young and have a clue... Getting your education is wonderful and you know it. Dont let anyone try and persuade you otherwise.
It seems that staying quiet about the religion is what you need to do for now... That you care about your mom is not a bad thing. Feel her out a little her thoughts about shunning. She brought up a good son... (speaking as a mother here)
Soaring Eagle Casino tonight....Anyone?
by kozmo inmy wife just called me from work and wanted to know if i wanted to go tonight when she gets home from work.
anyone interested in making new friends here in michigan?.
I'm in the mood, but the plane would arrive after you and everyone left the building.