Columbian, I stock up if its on sale. My husband is a Philistine and buys whatever is cheapest.
JoinedPosts by bsmart
What is your Favorite coffee, mocha, latte, cap, etc?
by AK - Jeff ini am a rather old fogey on the matter - just black and hot.
but i like the occasional mocha.. what use of this universal bean is your favorite?
how many do you drink a week?
How do I tell my husband?
by dissonance_resolved ini'm a born in, baptized as a young teenager, whole family is jw.
i just recently woke up after the new understanding of the fds was announced and it seemed to me to smack of power-grabbing.
i started looking at all the websites we're not supposed to, and now i know why.
As someone said, Armageddon is not around the corner, you can take all the time you need.
How do I tell my husband?
by dissonance_resolved ini'm a born in, baptized as a young teenager, whole family is jw.
i just recently woke up after the new understanding of the fds was announced and it seemed to me to smack of power-grabbing.
i started looking at all the websites we're not supposed to, and now i know why.
Ask him why he thinks it's the "truth" sometime when this stuff comes up.... ie when he mentions something that irritates him. Go slow and figure out what makes leaving more attractive than staying for him.
Cantleave and his wife Nugget are here on the board... He got her out, cantleave
If you have kids then go to a member called Amazing's posts Amazing check his posts about bringing family out. He got most of them to follow him here. Another thing, we do have a search option at the top of the page, lots of stuff here to research. You can do it!
No one who leaves "the truth" is ever happy?
by El_Guapo infor years, i was told this..... " anyone who leaves the org is bitter, sad, and worse off, why do you think they come back???
guess what guys i am the opposite, now i quit cold-turkey (looking back, i should have faded correctly) i am planning on going to the memorial this month just to hear all "the friends" tell me how much they missed me.
since i have left the meetings, (jan. was my last meeting, i think).
franticfran said
but he says "well, its the only command from Jehovah"
Tell him to check his scriptures, it is actually a command of Jesus.
Question for Believers: Is there a “Maximum” Age for Becoming a True Believer?
by Yan Bibiyan ini started with christians in mind, but broadened the scope to include all faiths.. question is posed to help solve a dilemma:.
if yes what is that age and what is the scriptural basis.. if no why do believers insist on forcing their children to become believers at a very young age?
if when they turn adults and decide that they want to worship a particular deity, that deity will welcome them regardless of age.. without a doubt, the mind of a child is like a sponge and activities and surrounding at a young age leave a lasting impression on the path to adulthood.. if we, as parents, are striving to provide a well-balanced upbringing, strive to teach our children diversity, insist on or live to provide a better life for our offspring, why on earth are we indoctrinating them with a set of one-sided values that are often tattooed on them for life?.
I spoke with a JW relative last year about marriage vs baptism age and how no one is encouraged to marry until mature etc, and so many young teenagers take the dip. I asked which is more important, and the response was all over the place. No real answer however. How they could shun a sibling who was no longer sinning (married 6 months after living together- the cause of DF). Just blows my mind.
Not a real answer for your topic, sorry
The Power of Belief
by Introspection inthis is another quote taken from be careful what you pray for... by larry dossey.
it's a bit long but i thought it was interesting.
no doubt each reader of this account will perceive it in different ways, but i think the questions are worthy of consideration.
the mind is a wondrous thing
gonna write my annulment letter
by QueenWitch ini know it may not mean anything to the boys in brooklyn but it's therapeutic.
thinking of sending in on the anniversary of my dunking, may 30.. i hereby declare my baptism null and void on the primary grounds that i took this action before i reached the legal age of consent.
secondary grounds include lack of full disclosure of the terms involved.
They require new members to remove themselves from church congregation lists officially. So if you want closure for whatever purpose do the same to them. Do it for yourself. Finish it well.
Peace to you.
My terminally ill friend will read this; please offer your love and support.
by compound complex indear friends:.
forty-five years ago i was out in service with an elder, and we came upon a house where the owners kindly received us.
this was not so unusual as the family was jehovah's witnesses.
Good wishes to Mike, and to you dear CoCo. A good friend is a blessing in itself.
by Greybeard insorry i couldn't resist!
sorry if this joke has already been told here :-/.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Thought Control (A simple test for JW's)
by TD inin george orwell's novel 'nineteen eighty-four' the capitulation of the principal protagonist is portrayed in his willingness to assent to the proposition that two and two make five.
once he had denied objective reality, his mental conquest was complete and he was no longer truly the master of his own mind.
nineteen eighty-four is in many ways, a very depressing read.. a charge commonly leveled at jehovah's witnesses is that the type of mind control envisioned by orwell has been and continues to be used on them.
Whatever happened to Alice?