I believe that 30 years is considered a life sentence in Italy. So they gave her just shy of that.
Obviously, she's getting a lot more sympathetic press in America than in other countries (for instance, I believe the UK coverage of the event was less sensational/biased and mainly tried to focus on the evidence presented). I'm not sure whether she's guilty or not (I read up the landslide of circumstantial evidence against her and I tend towards thinking that she was involved in some way), but guilty or innocent, the issue seems to be whether the Italian justice system gave her a fair trial, and of course, "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" is a tall order.
The trial was given very sensationalist news coverage in Italy, and this may well have influenced the verdict. I have read that there is a high percentage of overturn on appeal in the Italian justice system. Despite my personal thoughts on her guilt or innocence, I think what will happen is that she will appeal and be freed within a couple of years.