I've been lurking for a while. Isn't that the point of a Weeping thread?
there is a satanic game being played now on the internet called, "world of warcraft".
it is a role playing game (dungeons and dragons on steroids!).
it is so captivating and bewitching that children and teenagers are getting hooked.
I've been lurking for a while. Isn't that the point of a Weeping thread?
there is a satanic game being played now on the internet called, "world of warcraft".
it is a role playing game (dungeons and dragons on steroids!).
it is so captivating and bewitching that children and teenagers are getting hooked.
I don't kiss anybody with hair redder than mine. Too bad you're not a gorilla. Things could have been different between us.
there is a satanic game being played now on the internet called, "world of warcraft".
it is a role playing game (dungeons and dragons on steroids!).
it is so captivating and bewitching that children and teenagers are getting hooked.
I credit those D&D-ers with jump-starting my cognitive dissonance!
I was a 12-year-old freshman in high school (so already the JWs considered me too damn smart for my own good), and I befriended all the nerdy seniors and college freshmen who let me sneak off and hang out with them on beanbags while they roleplayed. At first when I figured out what they were doing, I was freaked out because all my life I'd heard of the eeeeeevils of D&D. But then, they were also the first people to treat me normally, like a mascot or a little sister (who just happened to be brainwashed) and I didn't want to lose the little human contact I had, and the feeling of being included. So once I realized things weren't levitating and nobody was being possessed, just nerdy, I shrugged my shoulders and said "to hell with it".
13 years on and I haven't seen any goats slaughtered yet. A couple of them are Christians, some are atheists, one is in law school, one is making movies, and they've all (finally) managed to move out of their parents' houses...they're doing OK ;) I think it's way better that I came across people who were willing to be patient with me as I grew out of my Witness-dom, and include me in innocuous and harmless activities, than if I had fallen into promiscuity, drug abuse, etc. I love my nerds.
there is a satanic game being played now on the internet called, "world of warcraft".
it is a role playing game (dungeons and dragons on steroids!).
it is so captivating and bewitching that children and teenagers are getting hooked.
Yawn. About 78% of my nerdy friends are WOW-heads and they even got me to try playing it a few times. It's plenty annoying, but none of us have been possessed by Satan yet.
Oh, and they also play Dungeons & Dragons. Again, while it was never my thing, we're all leading happy and productive lives.
i have 2 rings and a watch.
2 diamond rings and a diamond bezeled rolex.
other than that, i don't wear anything else.. my ex loved (still loves) jewelry and she's got an unbelievable collection of goodies....what aboutchoo?
An antique charm bracelet I've been putting together for several years, with over 100 sterling charms ranging from Victorian to 1960s. I really love the mechanical ones.
And an antique Edwardian diamond ring from my failed engagement...I really do need to bite the bullet and sell it, but it's still very fresh, so I've hidden it away in a box and tried to pretend it doesn't exist, instead.
Other than that, I don't really wear jewelry, ever.
so sad.
how can you even hold a 5-year-old accountable for anything, anyways?.
So sad. How can you even hold a 5-year-old accountable for ANYTHING, anyways?
something i have not heard before on this board is waiting in the car out in service or any of the woman who were elders wives waiting on their husbands while in an elders meeting.. i was 24 years old when i got married to an older man he was 41 and had been an elder for about 12 years.
i truly loved my husband when we got married.
i truly loved him like crazy.
I loved it when we'd go on calls (because I didn't have any, so either got to sit in the car and not talk, or else stand next to the person with the call and not talk), or else when we'd do "early morning service", which involved leaving our extra older issues of the magazines in laundromats, bus stops and doughnut shops. Anything to avoid knocking on a door and pestering people.
just wanted to start this to get a pulse on how many young jw's are exiting percentage wise recently in the witness organization.
in my family i have 8 young people aged 21 through 35 .
these are my son and two daughters and my older siblings 5 adult children.
As far as I know, I'm the only baptized one to really stop believing and leave in four generations.
I have two aunts who kinda qualify, however. One I've only met once (she was raised in but never baptized, ran away from home at 16, got into drugs, etc.) The second aunt is baptized but has been disfellowshipped a couple of times, though to my knowledge she still believes in it and has pursued reinstatement each time. She's currently serving 9-12 years in prison for vehicular manslaughter (killed someone driving on her third DUI). Not sure how prison will affect her beliefs...
Other than them though, I'm it.
why did you do it?
i have done it on several occasions.
Yup. Most recently this delusional bitch:
i'm a californian, but a good friend in london just texted me saying there's a blitz of about 50 jehovah's witnesses in croydon right outside of where she's eating loaded up with watchtowers and setting up a stall and a speaker with a megaphone.
she also says that some of them are women in wheelchairs and that they're rolling in front of passers by and blocking them when they try to ignore them.
she says all of the pedestrians are telling them to fuck off and leave them alone because they're not interested in a cult, haha.. is this something new that the society is encouraging over there (or even more scary, everywhere?
OK, got more from my friend directly:
We couldn’t take pictures as it would have looked so obvious as everyone was giving them a wide berth. For a very busy street where they was deserted like they had the plague. They had two ladies in motorised wheelchairs blocking the main thoroughfare handing out Watchtowers and there was about twenty spread up this long High Street handing out Watchtowers – people were quite “blunt” in there refusals and cult was mentioned a few times.
We had passed them earlier as we walked past the train station – looked like they had come on a mission and were really ramping up their canvassing! I think they must have come from a nearby village etc and hit Croydon as it’s big and has a dense population predominately African/ Asian immigrants .......
They had a fold up table and a huge pile of Watchtowers and loads of those little books and were just buzzing round – I think they all felt uncomfortable as trust me it’s hot very hot today and they had coats on and the sun was blazing everyone else was in flip flops , sandals , summer clothes and shopping.
100% positive [that they were Jehovah's Witnesses and not some other religious group] - up the other end of the street which is long they had some random guy just quoting the bible - these were JW's and all the books everything was Watchtower honey ......Alice was getting uncomfortable as they were swarming round us and everyone else had moved away - no one went near them - as soon as people sat in the sun on benches with a drink they punched its a traffic free street just lined with shops and cafe's I should imagine perfect hunting ground.
It freaked us out – Croydon is a big town 10 mins by train (high speed) from London and lots of head office so big population and we passed them as they came out of the station and they were laden down with watchtowers and then they stood outside the most popular bit which leads to a mall and by Mc D’s and started – the sun was blazing and there are loads of benches and they just hit everyone who sat down – plus the clothes OMG frumps ville
I sooooo wish she'd gotten video! It just seems so bizarre, not like regular quiet street witnessing.