Just wanted to start this to get a pulse on how many young JW's are exiting percentage wise recently in the witness organization. In my family I have 8 young people aged 21 through 35 . These are my son and two daughters and my older siblings 5 adult children. Of the 8 - 4 have stopped going to meetings or are out of the witnesses totally. A 50% exit rate- so far. So how about you folks ? How many young people are leaving this abusive mind control cult ? I look forward to your responses ! This should be interesting
How Many 18-35 year old JW's have Exited the Cult in Your Family ?
by flipper 41 Replies latest jw friends
1 brother
1 sister (and her children)
3 first cousins (and all their children)
Hi Flipper man,
In my family, we have 7 nephews and nieces in that age group.
3 left due to apostasy
4 are just plain DF'd - 3 of those want nothing to do with it (celebrate Xmas, Birthdays etc..) and the other wants to come back but it is having serious drug problems.
Funny, but the 'true JW apostate' ones (they Dissed themselves) are very happy and well adjusted. The others have some lingering problems and still fear somewhat the WT as represented by their mom who is 'nutso controlling'
And to add: That's 7-7 out. None of them stayed.
Scarred for life
I can't answer that question exactly. I'm not currently in touch with many in my JW family.
When my mother joined, 5 of her siblings joined also. Two of the 6 of them eventually left the JWs when they were like 39 and 45.
My sister and I and 13 of our cousins were raised as JWs. As far as I know, only 4 of the 15 total cousins remained active JWs past age 35. I was the first to leave. Those 4 also had children raised as JWs.That would be 13 people total. I'm uncertain what those children's current status is in the Borg. Although, I'm pretty sure that most of them are still affiliated with JWs. They would all be over the age of 18.
The whole JW thing has affected our family greatly and we are not close because of it. With no get-togethers for Christmas or other holidays you never see these people. There is quite a bit of alcohol abuse, multiple divorces, major depression, a suicide, total estrangement from family, severe mental illness, and people that have never married, gotten good educations or decent jobs among this clan. How much of it I can blame on the negative JW environment is debatable but I believe it is a factor.
2 sister in laws.
BLONDIE- It sounds like a high percentage of your family is exiting the JW's ! Good deal.
DISSED- 100 % exit rate on your families young ones. That is great news ! And even greater to hear that most of them are very happy and well adjusted. Tremendous.
SCARRED FOR LIFE- I'm glad to hear that 11 out of your 15 cousins exited the JW's. That's a 75 % exit rate approximately ! Cool. I'm sure it is hard to keep up on the younger ones in your family if the JW relatives don't talk to you. I don't hear much from some of my JW relatives at all. Including my brother and 2 sisters. The last family get together WE had was my mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversarry in January of 1997 - that's how often OUR family gets together with everybody. So I totally understand how the cult has split your family up. It's ridiculous.
CANTLEAVE- So 2 sister in laws have left ! Good news. Do they have children who left as well ? Hopefully
Scarred for life
I don't know if they talk to me or not. I don't see them and we haven't lived in the same state in decades and we really just don't have anything in common. Especially since my mother died , I just have no communication from them at all. The last time I saw most of them was my grandmother's funeral in 1986. I did see a few at a cousin's funeral about 10-11 years ago. And I don't plan to go to another JW funeral. I consider myself to have "divorced" them as much as them shunning me. Even when I have seen some of these relatives I totally avoid talking about JW stuff. I've been doing that for 37 years so it makes it hard for me to know who is active in the JWs still.
SCARRED FOR LIFE- I hear what you are saying. It gets to a point where we'd rather NOT hear from some of these people. I mean- I have a JW niece who is now a missionary in Africa- I haven't talked to her since 1997 or seen her even ! Nor has she tried to contact me. But her mom- my sister treats me the same way so no big surprise there ! I agree with you- JW funerals are disgusting. I hope I don't have to go to one for a long time. Sorry your family is so fractionalized by the JW's my friend. It is tough, I know. Here's a flower for you. Hang in there my friend
As far as I know, I'm the only baptized one to really stop believing and leave in four generations.
I have two aunts who kinda qualify, however. One I've only met once (she was raised in but never baptized, ran away from home at 16, got into drugs, etc.) The second aunt is baptized but has been disfellowshipped a couple of times, though to my knowledge she still believes in it and has pursued reinstatement each time. She's currently serving 9-12 years in prison for vehicular manslaughter (killed someone driving on her third DUI). Not sure how prison will affect her beliefs...
Other than them though, I'm it.
In my immediate family which includes
my parents and my 7 siblings (4 girls 3 boys) there is one boy and both parents active baptized Dubs.
My oldest sister was 2 years old when my parents were sucked into the cult.
Us children in order girl, girl, boy (me), girl, boy, boy, girl. My brother down from me is the one that is still delusional. Something that is interesting is my youngest brother had actually spent several years in the belly of the beast in Bethel NY. I have no idea what he did there ? I do know he is now in southern California and no longer a Dub.