The following is personal opinion based on experience. I'm a recovering alcoholic. In the summer of 2005 I attempted to take my own life. When I botched that I went into rehab and started putting my life back together. I ended up working in the rehab center for four years, and was able to watch how addicts behaved.
No matter what you are addicted to, you will demonstrate a cluster of common behaviors. Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, sex, porn, marijuana, chocolate all hit the same pleasure center in the brain. (OK, you won't go to jail for eating too much chocolate but it is still addictive).
Reading this thread has been like looking into a mirror showing myself in 2005. All addicts lie. As one of my co-workers said about one of our patients "he lied even when telling the truth would have served him better." I've seen comments here about how Lloyd probably gets kicks from lying. I disagree, I think he lies because he doesn't no how to tell the truth.
The other thing addicts do, is fight like cornered rats when somebody tries to take away our drug of choice. We've seen a lot of that here, too.
Lloyd, it doesn't have to be like this. There is still time for you to turn the ship around, redeem yourself and become an accepted member of this community, and society at large. Hell, I did it. It is painful to do (my initial recovery involved jail and community service time.) I don't know if you are an addict, but you have some issues that look al lot like addiction. Whatever it is, there are solutions. Find one, its worth it.
By the way, I think this is the second time I've said all this. I hope you are listening this time.