Hourly requirement being reinstated = decrease in regular pioneers
+ increase in hours falsely reported.
Fixed it for you
elders to meet with meet with regular pioneers asap and review their progress.
december 12, 2022. for elders.
Hourly requirement being reinstated = decrease in regular pioneers
+ increase in hours falsely reported.
Fixed it for you
original reddit post (removed).
I don't know about the UK, in the US you can record (or film) anything you want in a public place. There is NO expectation of privacy when you're in public. If some loon with a microphone jumps you and asks questions, your only options are talking to them or not talking to them. If you talk, you've given them consent to record you.
original reddit post (removed).
"The smallest pledge each month really does help our small team keep churning out the content."
I don't think that is what you meant to say. "Churn" is not a good thing in a business. It usually refers to customers that stop doing business with you and move over to your competition.
Investment brokers also use to describe how they manipulate customer portfolios to generate sales commissions. As in "I made $10,000 last month just by churning my clients' accounts.
Edited to add: perhaps this is a difference in how words are used on our respective sides of the pond. All the more reason to make sure you're using the words you want to be using.
In manufacturing it is taken to mean producing vast amounts of low quality goods.
As a writer I'm tuned into using words with care. I'm surprised that some one trying to use words to make a living isn't more careful about how he uses them. Perhaps its my education in English literature and accounting combined with twenty-five years or so in the business world.
bible questions answered.
who were the nephilim?.
the bible account says that “the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.” (genesis 6:2) those ‘sons of god’ were actually spirit creatures who rebelled against god when they “forsook their own proper dwelling place” in heaven, materialized human bodies, and “began taking as wives all whom they chose.”—jude 6; genesis 6:2.. the hybrids born from this unnatural union were no ordinary children.
I have noticed my jw is fascinated by the nephilim story! is this a jw obsession or just him do you suppose?
I've been out a long time, but when I was in people at the hall talked about all kinds of stories about demons, fallen angels, beautiful women, freak offspring etc. It was a hot topic and everybody wanted to be on the latest story.
i haven't been on site in a while, don't know if has been discussed but here is a link.
I'm pretty sure they are transitioning to a cyber church.
First thing I thought of when I started reading. Just have everybody sign up to spend a few bucks on an internet subscription or something similar. It would give HQ absolute control over what people see, read and hear. I'm not sure how they'd work in field service, I imagine they'll find something.
Edited to add; based on average costs in the North East US I would guess they'll spend about a billion dollars getting it built. That does not take into account any work done by slave labor "donated labor."
If they sell off all the Kingdom Halls in the developed countries they will have BILLIONS of $$$ to pay for it all.
as 1975 was approaching, many witnesses sold their property.
do you know about specific cases that are willing to share their experience of doing so?.
I became a JW in 1973, everybody was caught up in the frenzy. There was a really nice family in the congregation that had inherited the family farm from his Dad. They sold it sometime around 1973-1974 and moved to "where the need was greater." (Southern Idaho, about three hundred miles from where we lived outside Pulllman, WA) He had calculated how much money he thought it would take to get to the New System and figured they'd come out just right.
A couple of years later they spent the last of the money and he had a nervous breakdown. I don't know what the family lived on.
original reddit post (removed).
Something else to think about (writing fiction helps me get inside other people's heads).
We all have a story about ourselves, and no one is the bad guy in their own story. I've had to deal with my inner bad guy, it is neither easy nor comfortable. But the process leads to being a better person. It is also not something you can do alone, that leads to deluding yourself into thinking that you've conquered your problems. Having another person, such as a therapist to call you out from time to time is critical to being honest with yourself.
So far, I don't see any sign of this happening here.
probably, the greatest advocacy for the gospels is the jw publication: the greatest man that ever lived.
it convinced me.. everything else that the bible says about the resurrection and eternal life logically follows.. the testimony of a “witness” in court matters only if it is observation not commentary ( expert witness is also commentary): what did you see, what did you hear, what is the magnitude of your measurement.
not, are you convinced; that is only belief.
I read that book after I left the JW's. I threw it at the wall when I finished it, and don't think I've opened it since.
original reddit post (removed).
I thought of this last night while I was fighting my insomnia.
Victims of child sex abuse do not magically become non-victims the day they become adults. In deed, for some, the victimization may not even start until they are adults. They are still victims. It is a trauma they will grapple with their entire lives, some may overcome the damage of that trauma, but it is still there. Claiming you only hire adult sex workers misses the point: they are still victims.
You can't claim to represent victims when you are making more of them.
elf...simply a great movie imo.
funny, heartwarming and well acted..
A Christmas Story -- it takes me back to 1950's Christmas in upstate New York.