Edited by - YoursChelbie on 8 September 2002 4:21:21
looking for anyone from the st. cloud congregations (i was in the north one)...or surrounding areas.
oh heck, anyone from minnesota is fine!
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 8 September 2002 4:21:21
i really don't know where to start with this....it's so personal, and i'm so confused.
when i left bethel, i was a basket case, and married my first wife while i was still in mental/emotional limboland.
i loved her from the bottom of my heart (as best i can imagine what that means), and meant what i promised "till death do us part.
Hi Onacruise,
I totally can identify with everything you said. Starting new relationships is very difficult. The biggest concern of course is always that when you meet someone who you think could be "the one" there's a little fear involved because you can't predict in the long run, how "true" the other person will be to you.
Feelings are fragile.
Ideally, you want to find a person who won't betray your trust and who will love you back in return. This is easy to say. Women and men who have ever felt neglected or rejected in a relationship where they gave their heart to someone, only to have it trampled on-- can attest to the very real "FEAR" that is involved.
I don't believe in....
Casual romantic insinuations either thru e-mail, or IM
People are not Toys, we all have feelings. A cyber KISS or XOXOXOX or such "sweet talk" can be interpreted to mean more than a "friendly affection." Nothing beats meeting someone in person and developing a relationship that will hopefully grow. Obsessing over cyber "relationships" that cannot be or that are only for "passing time" is CRUEL....
In addition..
whoever has a "real" relationship...really is being dishonest if they persist in having "romantic" themed IM or e-mails from someone of the opposite sex just to boost their ego or because it feeds some weird desire to manipulate others... It is a debased and very low type of "pass time."
Just to be on the safe side, right now,
my heart is mine only... I won't give it away.... It's safe within me....
ok here's your chance...not neccesarily your favorite,but what you think is the best one....one vote apiece please... .
mine is he stopped loving her today by george jones...i love the sentiment,that he loved her til the day he died.
cowboyedited by - cowboy on 21 july 2002 6:20:26.
Artist: Doctors Spin
Song: Two Princes (Radio Edit)
Submitted by:
Corrected by:
Rated: 9.4 (14 votes)
One, two princes kneel before you
That's what I said now
Princes, princes who adore you
Just go ahead now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one said he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now
This one he got a princely racket
That's what I said now
Got some Big Seal upon his jacket
Ain't in his head now
You marry him, your father will condone you
How 'bout that now
You marry me, your father will disown you
He'll eat his hat, now
Marry him, marry me
I'm the one that loved you baby can't you see?
Ain't got no future or family tree
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be
I know what a prince and lover ought be
Said if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead now
And if you wanna to buy me flowers
Just go ahead now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead now
Said one, two princes kneel before you
That's what I said now
Princes, princes who adore you
Just go ahead now
One has diamonds in his pockets
That's some bread, now
This one said he wants to buy you rockets
Ain't in his head, now
Marry him, marry me
I'm the one that loved you baby can't you see?
Ain't got no future or family tree
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be
I know what a prince and lover ought be
Said if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead now
And if you wanna to buy me flowers
Just go ahead now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead now
And if you want to call me baby
Just go ahead now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead now
And if you like to buy me flowers
Just go ahead now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead now
If you want to call me baby
Just go ahead now
And if you like to tell me maybe
Just go ahead now
If you want to buy me flowers
Just go ahead now
And if you like to talk for hours
Just go ahead now
Oh Baby!
Just go ahead now
Just just go ahead now
Oh, your majesty!
Just go ahead now
Come on forget the King who... marry me!
Just go ahead now
Come on, come on, come on
Just go ahead now
Go ahead now
Just go ahead now, etc.
i have been reading this board since right before dateline.. i want to say thanks to simon for this great website!
i want to thank bill bowen, sheila bowen, barbara anderson, joe anderson, the pandelos, erica rodriguez, and all of the other silentlambs who have spoken out!.
i have some questions.. does anyone have any information about a circuit overseer named orval ellis (he used to be the co in arkansas, and then oklahoma, and just now colorado).
Hi there!
I have had the opportunity to know some really wonderful people on this Forum.
It has gone thru some rough times, but if you stick around you may find some great friends!
I would like to welcome you.
Please tell more of your personal story whenever you feel ready.
congratulations to alamb and her hubby, they have a boy!!!!!!!!!.
he was born around 10:30-11:00, august 20. he's a handsome little dude.
looks just like his dad.
A baby boy!
How proud you must be!
who here has been married...10 years or more?is it a great marriage and what is the secret of keeping it together?
Hi Crystal,
Very valid questions you have. I personally think, that if your boyfried says he wants you to have his baby--but doesn't want the "government" involved, he's only deceiving himself. After all, You will have to file for child support "thru the legal system" if he skips out on you.
Having babies is an ---18 year ----commitment on the part of BOTH parents, wether they are officially married or not... Unfortunately, single mothers get the nasty end of the deal...financially because WHEN you get paid ...about 0.75 of every dollar you earn will go to FULL TIME DAYCARE.. This is assuming you don't have a college education...or some big inheritance from a wealthy relative.
Any man who claims to love you AND to want FATHER your yet-unborn child but doesn't want to get married is actually afraid of commitment. But you already knew that.
Marriage is a natural progression of a growing and blossoming relationship between a man and a woman.... It's not anything to fear... if you are both doing it for the right reasons, namely because you want to love each other and be there for each other for as long as you both live.
YC--Of the "in spite of everything, I still believe in love class"
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 22 August 2002 11:22:53
what were the worst introductions you remmeber people using on the ministry?
"hello my friend and i....." .
"hello we've been talking to your neighbours, do you think we can ever see a peaceful world?
"Good Morning!"
Today we are talking to people about how the world of mankind will be brought to destruction, just like in the days of Noah. Would you like to hop on into our Ark?"
okay, okay........quiet the moans down!
this is a fluff topic, but i need fluff right about now!
lol .
...The one thing that I would say is a necessity in the kitchen??
Let me think.....
I got it! A man who is willing to load the dishwasher--without being told!
my name is donna.
i was directed to this forum through freeminds.org by randy watters.
i found his site to be very helpful to me and i highly recommend it to other newbies.
Thanks for sharing with us a part of your life. I know that you have helped people: you've helped me!
I enjoy talking with you on chat. You are a giving person and very sweet lady. Hope the very best for you!
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 18 August 2002 18:38:46
1 corinthians 11:3
but i would have you know, that the head of every man is christ; and the head
of the woman is the man
Very interesting Faraon!
I congratulate you on seeing the situation for what it is:
As a side note, I would just like to say that JW MEN are adulterers in the sense that they become obsessively preoccupied with what they perceive to be "a woman" or "god's earthly organization." This of course, gets to the point where they (the jw husbands) actually fail to give their real, human wife "her due" by this I mean the honor and the love that is due as well as everything else.
In such cases, I would think that a wife of a die-hard JW has every right to excercise her freedom to find a more suitable mate. I am experiencing this crossroad in my life and feel perfectly OK with my quest to find someone who will view me as a partner and not as some "domestic -machine" while they go on their 5-date per week affair with the "Other Woman."
Thanks for listening, I needed to vent.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 18 August 2002 17:48:0