Hi. This observation by our Canadian poster sums up my sentiments quite well:
The man has to protect himself against her because her intentions are destructive. In my opinion, it's not worth putting your family and your finances at risk for a bit of attention from an attractive woman .
I appreciate everyone's reply very much. I gained a lot of insight.
We all know at least one. They're in the work place, at social gatherings. They are just about everywhere that men are--- including the internet. They hit on single men, married men, old and young. Theirs is a game and an inflated ego the prize. The majority of the time, people get hurt.
The question I have is: What ultimately prevents a "taken" man from giving in to a sleazy woman's advances? For example, is it possible for a man already in a relationship, to turn down an attractive fellow employee who makes passes at him and lavishes attention on him? Can a man's sense of commitment be enough to prevent him from being a two-timer? Does the whole matter depend on the extent of his love and devotion to his significant other?
I'd like to hear honest responses from the men of this forum.
i have been thinking of doing something i have wanted to for along time, just to see, that is go to a church.
i guess i am a little afraid , or nervous , more than anything, but i feel i ready to venture out there and see what it is about,,,,,,,,,,,lol, i might not stay , i just want to try it.. i just want to give it a chance and right now i have no reason why i shouldnt if i go in with my eyes open.
i dont know what religion to start with,,,,,,,,, i figure this may be a journey on finding what feels right to me, or it could end up i stay home and do my own worship , who knows.. i know there are many christains on this board and i would be interested in hearing why you choose the faith you did, if it is methodist, catholic, baptist, or other mainstream ones.. i am also interested in other forms of religion some have choosen, and why?
I've also given thought to going to check out a few of the local churches.
My two reasons are:
My two children (5 and 10) want reassurance that there is a good, grander power that made life and the world...and my older daughter who is 10 years has asked to attend a Sunday School. She knows of some other children in her regular school who attend a Sunday School. They have Christmas plays that they rehearse for and other age appropriate activities that they participate in. I see no harm in that. Anything that they are taught will only expand their understanding of other belief systems (they are only familiar with the JW belief system.)
Ultimately, I will encourage them to be true to themselves and to be open-minded as to what church ---if any---they want to join when they are older.
two jehovah's witness elders who fleeced a 100-year-old deer lodge woman out of her life savings and family ranch were sentenced to 25 years in prison with 10 suspended.
this is not the first time that a jehovahs witness elder was sentenced for fraud.
Getting married again can certainly bring out the monster in some exes
Yeah, we kind of are expecting this sort of thing. It's so true that we need to stay focused on staying together and on not letting his ex interfere (although she has already tried.)
Thanks for your encouragement everybody who has posted.
As some of you may know, Jeff aka Gopher and myself have been living together since last summer. Well he popped the question to me this past Wednesday night and I said "yes!"
What I think I need now is a lot of support from our friends in this forum. There will inevitably be quite a few challenges ahead for us. We are both relatively recently divorced, however what you may not know that each of our previous marriages with members of the Watchtower Society were... to say the least...disastrous.
Any experiences or suggestions as far dealing with ex-spouses (one at least has already made it clear that I "should go back to my ex") or any other advice on making the most out of a second walk down the isle would be so greatly appreciated.
We don't have a date yet.. possibly later this summer??
situations in which the custodial parent is untrustworthy with the funds and a poor caregiver to the children
THis is the situation I'm really upset about. When the custodial parent of one child receives over $1,000.00 a month in addition to funds meant to cover daycare, yet doesn't have the child in a day care. All the while, the parent who pays the child support knowingly continues to pay the portion that is designated for day care just as if the child were in daycare. Does that make sense? Who really cares about what?
Well, I'm sure some of you are in this situation. Why do ex-spouses who get child support use it up on useless stuff and not on the child? I hate that!
divorce is much more common in the jehovah's witness community than they would like to admit.
probably more so than the population in general.. if you have been divorced do you think that the watchtower society contributed to the divorce, or caused it, or is it just possible you married some jerk or abuser and divorce would have occured no matter what religion you were, or even if you had no religion?.
possibly you got married way too young as the end was coming and there is no marriage in the resurrection if you died.
Right now I am about to venture into the final stages of my divorce and yes...
the Watchtower religion was the primary and overwhelming cause of the break up.
I, as the custodial parent of my two children, will teach them what the Watchtower Society and their biological father never could: namely, tolerance and respect for all people regardless of their chosen religion or lack thereof. I will never lead them to believe that I will cease to speak to them as if they were non-existent (if, God forbid, they became members later on) just because some men in Brooklyn misapply and twist the Bible to further their own harsh, fanatical cult.
If he gave up the religion would I take him back? No. Simply because during the 11 years that we were married his personality became more and more self-righteous and hateful. That will not go away just because he leaves this religion. Moreover, he never admitted that the Watchtower Society was involved with the UN or had any share of the blame for reports of child abuse such as those well documented in Dateline and other sources. Someone who is stubborn and unreasonable does not make a good husband under any circumstances.