My condolences go out to those touched by this tragedy, (which I know includes an extensive list of ppl who didn't personally know this poor kid) Suicide in "Jehovah's Kingdom" is just another ugly little blemish on an otherwise *shiny, happy people face.* They don't worry because as time passes, it goes away, and they can righteously forget about the person because, after all, they just sinned against Jehovah by committing suicide. It's hard to not boil over something like this. When I stop and think with my old, long-dumped-but-not-forgotten 'JW ears,' I can clearly hear the cool tones in their voices in service: "He was disfellowshipped...he strayed away from Jehovah," and one of my all-time favorites, "This is what happens when you leave the flock." No death is in vain, no loss goes without touching SOMEONE, and I do hope this boy's death struck horror in the hearts of those who saw his lifeless body. I hope that it started a small flame of doubt that will eventually become a burning fire that will lead them out. To many of them, he was already dead in their eyes, and I know from personal experience that the cool, disdainful atmosphere towards this tragedy will leave the less emotionally shriveled members shaken and stirred. It still horrifies me to remember how conveniently detached they become when dealing with a situation like this, and as a teen pioneer in the late 80's, I was very shaken by the suicide of an old family friend, and angered by the reaction to it. In Keizer, Oregon (suburb of Salem) Ernesto (Ernie) Miranda tried desparately to get a meeting with elders after a Sunday meeting back in 1989-1990 after the WT study. He was refused, though everyone knew how anguished he was over his wife's demand for a divorce. Instead of meeting with him, the elders managed to brush him aside because they had better things to do ( big volleyball games and barbecues to attend!!) During the time a meeting could have been going on to work something out with this man in despair, (which would have done more damage than good anyway) Ernie sat at Bush Park on the other side of Salem and put a gun to his mouth in his car. A few people were a little disturbed by it, but after all, his wife was just studying and he himself was "just" a regular, never a servant or pioneer, his kids didn't get seriously involved, so really, who should grieve for a man who just sinned against Jehovah?
Matthew 7:15-16; "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?"......
Colossians 3:12-14; ;"So as to those who have been chosen of God,
holy and beloved, put on a heart of *compassion,* kindness, humility,
gentleness and patience: bearing with one another, and forgiving each
other, whoever has a complaint against another, just as the Lord
forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all things put on *LOVE* which
is the perfect bond of unity."
Our Lord Jesus possesses more love and compassion for the hurting and
lost than a hundred pious elders and pioneers ever will, and He knows
these people's hearts better than anyone. He commands us to love one
another and show compassion towards the hurting and oppressed, and we
see in vivid, gruesome detail just how lacking the Watchtower and it's
monochromatic followers are in this department. Compassion is
selective, judgement is abundant. There's a place for those who show
hatred instead of love, arrogance instead of humility, and that place
is not in a Paradise earth or in Heaven.