It's dangerous, seriously addictive stuff..
college, exericise, reading, sports, beer, women, men, or drugs?.
It's dangerous, seriously addictive stuff..
i don't believe there is a heaven that so many religions teach, do you?
it all sounds like a fairy tale made up to make dying easier or as a threat to make someone have a conscience... i got into a discussion about it with my jw converted to catholic daughter and she just couldn't believe anyone could feel like i do.
i am glad she threw away the jw teachings and glad she believes in something so wonderful but i for one just can't.
JAFO, their is nothing wrong with having an intellectual discussion over opposing philosophical view points of theism and atheism. It does not matter which side you hold. I could very easily play devils advocate in such a debate. Rational thought and discussion from both sides is constructive to intellectual growth.
Not taking issue with that.. here is what made my mind up.
Regarding God being a Murder... <snip> God does not like the death of anyone but life and preservation of good from the destruction and corruption of evil... <and so forth>
You're defending a "god" who, among other things, reportedly slaughtered children (by means of bears, no less.. a horrible way to die) simply for calling his prophet 'old baldy'.. now I ask you.. is that the way you'd punish a child for being disrespectful? Surely not.. Yet you claim this "loving god", who behaves in ways no decent human being would tolerate from another person, is not a murderer?
Sorry, but I expect my god to adhere to higher standards than I hold myself to, not lower ones...
Some say the devil's greatest trick was convincing mankind that he doesn't exist. I maintain that YHWH's greatest trick was convincing mankind that he and satan were not one and the same individual.
quote from coroner "i accept that this doctrine has been an entrenched principle of the jehovah witness religion since 1945 despite considerable debate.. "nevertheless, mrs allen's death most graphically illustrates the consequence of the rigid adherence to that doctrine and brings me to recommend, perhaps forlornly, that the jehovah witness governing body and its elders give consideration to a relaxation of its doctrine".
now there's one judge that doesn't buy the only following his bible trained conscience bullshit.
discreetslave.. nice WT cover.. but they made a mistake in the bottom right corner.. I'm pretty sure it should read "Jehovah is not sorry about the misunderstanding"
i've heard that another 2 people have left the "truth" as soon as they could get out.
both girls were elder's daughters.
they aren't elders now because they were somewhat problem teens.
stillstuckcruz: Though I don't think many leave for the right reasons(my opinion anyway)
Ahem... ANY reason for leaving the bOrg is the "right" reason...
i don't believe there is a heaven that so many religions teach, do you?
it all sounds like a fairy tale made up to make dying easier or as a threat to make someone have a conscience... i got into a discussion about it with my jw converted to catholic daughter and she just couldn't believe anyone could feel like i do.
i am glad she threw away the jw teachings and glad she believes in something so wonderful but i for one just can't.
* Adds Neon Bible to list of fools to ignore *
here on this forum there are so many sinners, many here are doing things that will bring god's wrath upon themselves.
consider yourself if you in some aspect fit the description in romans 1:28-32:.
and just as they did not approve of holding god in accurate knowledge, god gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers, backbiters, haters of god, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless.
Aussie Oz: ps... i want that bum cake for my birthday where i can celebrate being free from that horrible volcano god Jehovahisgunnakillus.
Strange.. I always figured a tits'n'bum cake would be more your style, bro..
how many are there on this board that are also still in the society, especially acting in a position of leadership?
i think it's pretty funny they always talked about how "jehovah would root out the wickedness" yet theres people on here getting invites to "zone visits" that many other blind and faithful people weren't invited to.. .
if any of you are on your way out and have the ability to give a talk before you go, you should cratifly morph a talk into discussion about the origins of the society, by the time its obvious what you're doing you will have given 100-150 people seeds of doubt before they yank you off the stage, and the fact that they would be physically escorting you off the stage when you were simply talking about the "founder" of the society should be alarming and suspicious enough to those watching.. .
Kensho, the reason a lot of the "old timers" stick around, is to help the newbs, such as yourself.. be glad they're here.
this is an illustration that best describes in human terms what i believe eve did.. picture the litle pieces of paper that contain an alcohol prep swab.. sometimes i come accross one that is old*, and it's been hanging around for a while.. so what comes to mind is; "i wonder if it is still damp?".
i could open it to check (that is what our mother did).. or i could throw it away (that is what god did not do).. or i could leave it alone.. if i open it, then i will either pretend i need it and use it, then throw it away.. or i should throw it away.
I don't do things that say "this might harm you computer" Can I get them at the library?
Yes, you can get them at a library.. but they are only PDF files, for crying out loud. Your computer is programmed to say that about anything you try to download. If you are worried about them, do a virus scan on them before you open them.
You do have an anti-virus program on your computer, don't you? If not, you should get off the internet RIGHT NOW.
this is an illustration that best describes in human terms what i believe eve did.. picture the litle pieces of paper that contain an alcohol prep swab.. sometimes i come accross one that is old*, and it's been hanging around for a while.. so what comes to mind is; "i wonder if it is still damp?".
i could open it to check (that is what our mother did).. or i could throw it away (that is what god did not do).. or i could leave it alone.. if i open it, then i will either pretend i need it and use it, then throw it away.. or i should throw it away.
Read them. it would take hours of back and forth to explain. Simpler for you to find out for yourself.
this is an illustration that best describes in human terms what i believe eve did.. picture the litle pieces of paper that contain an alcohol prep swab.. sometimes i come accross one that is old*, and it's been hanging around for a while.. so what comes to mind is; "i wonder if it is still damp?".
i could open it to check (that is what our mother did).. or i could throw it away (that is what god did not do).. or i could leave it alone.. if i open it, then i will either pretend i need it and use it, then throw it away.. or i should throw it away.
Nancy.. you really need to read the following books by Daniel Quinn.. seriously. You will not understand the true meaning of the story of the Garden of Eden and the Fall until you have. You can download them from these links: