Its refreshing to see many had no malice for homosexuals even as JWs. Im starting to think women in general (religious or not) are more open mind to homosexuals and men in general get all butt hurt (mad) about the idea of two men banging each other lol. I had a half brother (homosexual) who i didn't meet until 6yrs old and he was on his deathbed from AIDS. I always wanted a brother (i have 2 half sisters) and lost the one I had like that. After visiting him my sister would tease me about having d a gay brother and I guess thats where my hatred from homosexuals came from. But yea crazy! I forgot my hatred for apostates. I actually saw then as demons in human flesh lol. Other than hatred for JW religion, much more love now!
Posts by DubR
I Used To Hate Gays!
by DubR ini remember i use to have a lot of hate in my heart when i was a jw.
i remember i used to hate gay people a lot!
when news reports came in about gays getting jumped in parks at night or killed.i would always smile inside.
I Used To Hate Gays!
by DubR ini remember i use to have a lot of hate in my heart when i was a jw.
i remember i used to hate gay people a lot!
when news reports came in about gays getting jumped in parks at night or killed.i would always smile inside.
I remember I use to have a lot of hate in my heart when I was a JW. I remember I used to hate gay people A LOT! When news reports came in about gays getting jumped in parks at night or killed.I would always smile inside. I literally used to anticipate arm ge done when all gays would die horrible deaths at the hands of Jehovah just for being attracted to their same sex smh. I also used to anticipate the destruction of all who slammed the door in my face while out field service. I also hated people wearing Jesus pieces. Hey I had to hate what was bad just like Jehovah hates whats bad. Since becoming an atheist I have much more love and an open mind for all. In fact I am more loving now than when I was a christian bigot. I notice this switch of extreme emotions contradict what most people think of atheist. Wondering what are some things present atheist hated as christians/JWs and now accept with no malice? Also, do u think as atheist u hate less?
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens ini do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
JESUS NewChapter u sure can talk.. er type. I have learned from experience two things ya cant do. use logic and reasoning to show a JW that JWs a cult, and use logic and reasoning to show a christian errors and contradictions in the bible. disecting their every sentence and countering it with logic will only give ya wrinkles. it just takes time for some. hope i dont offend.
"GTA V" available for preorder
by glenster ingta v trailer #2.
(song: stevie wonder "skeletons").
talesin, i think ur confusing Grand Theft Auto(GTA) with Gran Turismo (GT) lol
Jesus Christ any PS3 gamers?
by DubR inif u are a hardcore ps3 gamer (at least lvl 10) holla at ur boi.
im sure there are hundreds of gamers on here so leave ya psn name or pm me.
If u are a hardcore ps3 gamer (at least lvl 10) holla at ur boi. Im sure there are hundreds of gamers on here so leave ya psn name or pm me. l8r
"GTA V" available for preorder
by glenster ingta v trailer #2.
(song: stevie wonder "skeletons").
EPIC trailer! GTA is one of the top sequel franchises that stays fresh! Im actually replaying GTA 4 in anticipation. luv GTA!!
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens ini do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Wow this thread has become very popular! unstopableravens, thanks for replying to me and stating u would give my post (i think on page 5 or 6) a second look. I was where u are most likely before. There are like 5 stages/layers to break free/unbrainwash from religion for JWs. 1. Realize JWs are a greedy high control bloodguilty cult that only cares about growing. 2. Realize there are no "true religions" that exist. 3. Realize the multiple errors/contradictions in the bible.( ) 4. Learn Gods true nature in the OT that is overlooked in church /kingdom hall. 5. AND MOST IMPORTANT Decide if u will pick and choose bible scriptures; decide if u will live in fear of a God that no longer seems so just, loving, or sane.
I went through this entire process from Dec 08 thru Nov 09. It takes some decades to go from devout JW to an atheist. IAt the end of the day I will ALWAYS wonder how does this universe exis, how did species come to life on this planet, why do nationalities lool so different (ex:asains and africans), why do cockroaches and leeches AND mosquitoes exist; etc. but I know for a fact that the flawed word of man/God can NEVER answer these questions. Man/"God" tried really hard to but its just not a real answer. So at the end of the day will u say "DAYUM Yahweh commanded some sick, pervy, racist; dumb things that I will never agree with HE IS OBVIOUSLY MADEUP FROM OLE SICKOS"! Or u will say "i dont care, im too scared to question God sadistic ways plus that was years ago lol (and silently pray to him.) I personally use to luv Jehovah with all my heart (every exJW has) but the 0T changed all that. Just read it and thing if ur ma, grandma, daughter, sister; niece lived then. smh
non believers what if your wrong ?
by unstopableravens ini do not wish to debate anything here like i have said in the past i have much respect for most on this forum (believers and non believers) i am simply wondering if the atheist or non god believers every worry about what if your wrong?
it seems that many who were jw for so many years attach jehovah/yahweh with the watchtower and since the wt is wrong than god does not exist.
i ask this question only because i care about people and salvation thats why i want to help as many as possable come out of this cult,and since i truly believe in god i dont know what is in the cinscience of those who dont.
Hilarious contradictions in the bible show I (an atheist) that I am right and all this stuff was made up a long time ago by uneducated pervy guys! Zachariah 14:1-2 Ole Jehovah is gathering all nations against jerusalem and assisting in plunder and RAPE. Deauteronomy 22:28-29 Loving Jehovah commands RAPE victims to marry their attackers (thats justice fo yo arse). Genesis 6:5 All knowing Jehovah decies to wipe men off earth via global flood because mans inclination of thoughts in his heart was bad. But in Genesis 8:21 he decides to never do it again because lol mans inclination of thoughts in his heart are bad (whata smart God)!
Yes, dont get mad at me and really read those scriptures in full context. If u still believe atheist "could" be wrong then u my friend are still brainwashed by the bible. I joke about bible contradictions but if there were not any contradictions and history agreed with bible history AND there was one scripture commanding guys to marry the women they rape, I would hate and fear that perverted middle eastern ped ow file god.
My mom's selling her house. New Light?
by DubR inhello all u evil apostates!
jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k.
when ya find out the jws and the bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about.
Awesome insight ziddina and good to hear from ya!
My mom's selling her house. New Light?
by DubR inhello all u evil apostates!
jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k.
when ya find out the jws and the bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about.
Hey everyone. My mom, sis, and lil nephew visited me today (havent seen em since April of this year. It was a fun visit also. But yea I got a chance to flat out ask if her decision was moved by some sort of new light. They lol and said oh no of course not, in fact the study today was about not jumping to conclusions about arm a get done lol. Someone stated my real question was about inheritance. That is/was not my focus, it is as I stated earlier. I wanted to know if some new light moved my mom to sale her house and live with my sis. Inheritance is something I haven't thought about until a helpful fellow mentioned it. But I do know my mom has donated $20 per week for over 30yrs so im sure she plans to give some % to Jehovah! lol Also someone said my re-introduction lacked finesse. I have no idea if he was being sarcastic but I didn't get it. Thank you again everyone that commented and Happy Holidays!