Wow, im very worried about losing some of my inheritance to this company. smh thanks for the replies guys, l8r!
Posts by DubR
My mom's selling her house. New Light?
by DubR inhello all u evil apostates!
jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k.
when ya find out the jws and the bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about.
My mom's selling her house. New Light?
by DubR inhello all u evil apostates!
jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k.
when ya find out the jws and the bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about.
Ah thanks St George! I feared she got this idea from them in some recent article. I will try to research what the article they are studying is telling her just to get an idea of how mislead she is.
My mom's selling her house. New Light?
by DubR inhello all u evil apostates!
jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k.
when ya find out the jws and the bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about.
Hello all u evil apostates! Jehovah's gonna kill the whole lot of ya lol j/k. So i haven't been on here for about 3yrs. When ya find out the JWs and the Bible is a bunch of baloney there isnt much more to learn about. But about a month ago my mom decided to put her gorgeous house she has lived in for over 23yrs up for sale and move in with my sister (who is also a JW). This is such a shock to me knowing my mom has been very independent all her life even after my father passed away in 08. I want to ask my sister is there some type of new light on end times prophecy (since my last meeting in 2008) that is "encouraging" my mom to do this. I can still communicate with them but they are uber defensive about the "Truth." Thanks!
Bible Contradictions Wake Up
by DubR inyo all.
last time i was on this site was 6 months ago.
i was very bitter at all religion back then but now its all kind of a big inside joke.
Yo all. Last time i was on this site was 6 months ago. I was very bitter at all religion back then but now its all kind of a big inside joke. So i decided to point out some hilarious contradictions in the bible to show all this stuff was made up a long time ago by uneducated pervy guys! Zachariah 14:1-2 Ole Jehovah is gathering all nations against jerusalem and assisting in plunder and RAPE. Deauteronomy 22:28-29 Loving Jehovah commands RAPE victims to marry their attackers (thats just). Genesis 6:5 All knowing decides to wipe men off via global flood because mans inclination of thoughts in his heart was bad. But in Genesis 8:21 he decides to never do it again because lol mans inclination of thoughts in his heart are bad (whata smart God)! Genesis 6:19-20 two pair of clean animals are commanded to go in the ark.. No wait Genesis 7:2 seven pair are going in the ark. Matthew 27:5 Judus threw 30 pieces into the temple and hanged himself.. Acts 1:18 he bought a field with blood money and fell and burst. lol
Was there one single thing that told you non-JWs were not that bad after all?
by dgp inwhen you people were witnesses, was there one thing (or many) that really told you non-jw's were not that bad people after all?
was there anything other people did to you that got you thinking or, better yet, feeling that you hadn't been told the truth about us?.
thank you for your answers..
Very interesting topic dgp. I was raised in the "truth" and for all my life I thought non-jws were worldly untrustworthy people with no morals (and needing a good preaching to) until I met my wife (girlfriend) back in 07. She was/is extremely beautiful, didn't care about the nice car and job I had; was just soo loving and layed back as well as her family. I compared her to all of the jw sisters who were trying to date/marry me lol mostly because they heard through the circuit of my material value! Oh yea, all the jw sisters just wanted to be full-time pioneers and sit on their butt while I took care of em. I started realizing maybe these non-jws arent soo bad
Should Jehovah Witnesses have Cats?
by RAS innew light!.
there are numerous reasons why a loyal dedicated servant of god should use his bible-trained conscience to arrive at a proper understanding of why cats are not advisable as pets or companions for christians.
consider, then, the following facts: .
"scriptures clearly indicate. surely loyal Christians...." LMAO, that is soo the Governing Body lol!!!
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
Hi guys and gals. I have been pondering over this idea all yesterday and the more I think about writing a fake letter begging for reinstatement from unperfect fake divine authority elders (most elders are like that in Texas) and they also get very jealous when they see a young black man doing very good for his age (i have personally seen the jealousy) I get an ill feeling, actually sick in my stomach. The more I think about it, my family chooses to believe the lie. I have on many occasions already told all of them the horrible truth about" the truth". My thoughts shift and I realize they were not really my family! If I had a son, I would never give him the cold shoulder and cut him off if he showed me documented evidence that my religion (even if I believed with all my heart it was true) was a bloodguilty business run by imperfect old farts who are taken care of by its members money and dont have to work but discourage anyone from going to college, ect ect..... I guess I had a bipolar moment yesterday. How can my family cut me off after I expose the truth to them and still say they love and they miss me?? WTF! I am happy with my life! It is soo free, I always had a problem with authority because I remember what my late dad had to go through from jealous elders back in my home congregation. I cant do it.... Thank you for your posts everyone!! It helped me more than you may ever know!!!
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
xmkx - YES!! The life you explained is the exact type of life I would live if or when I decide to go back! My big sis who chose to marry a "worldly man" was recently reinstated (she still believes JW is the truth) but she also has a little of her own mind. She understand that if the org says, "a true Christian wouldn't get on facebook, myspace, participate in sports, go to college, watch rated R movies, watch porn (with her husband), go out field service whenever u can, make every meeting; listen to everything we tell you" she will do whatever she wants because she knows those silly man made rules arent in the bible. She has a facebook and myspace page, she lets my lil nephew participate in basketball at school and he will eventually be encouraged to go to college, they watch R rated movies,, she goes out field service like once every 3 months; makes a very little meetings and is perfectly fine with where she stands!! I still cant believe she didn't listen to me when I told her about the JWs history?!? Anyway, I want to be something like that minus the believing that religion is the truth lol.
Open mind - Thanks for giving me examples of former members on here that went back. I will look at all their posts which lead up to their decision to go back if I can. This will help me alot !!
WOW!! I am getting great feedback from you guys and gals!! Keep it up and I really appreciate it! Sometimes I wish all of us members on here could meet up and have a beer or two . Yall are soo cool!!!
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
OUTLAW, beksbks; pat1060 - thank you all for your kind words. I wasn't sure if people would attack me or feel sympathy for my situation on this board, so thank you for your understanding and kind remarks! Its very tough being in this position at 24yrs old, just having a parent die (growing up thinking he would walk into the paradise); having only a mother that would give her life for this bloodguilty religion is just mental anguish for me!! I hate that organization for all its done but I love and miss my mom and lil nephew. Thank you all...
Have some went back & those who do, what's it like??
by DubR ini hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones last week!
i wanted to know have any on this forum went back to being a jehovah's witness who were previously disfellowshipped, disassociated, agnostic, atheist; or just faded away?
would any of you eventually go back for family and friends?
Thank you WTWizard, me choosing not to regularly make meetings and go out preaching and being told by an elder that I better do it would send a flying punch his way (man I hate elders and their fake divine authority). You stated about 2 million of the 7.3 million stay in for family and friends, I think its more like 50% or more stay in for family and friends. I was very popular in and outside my circuit growing up and about 90% of younger JWs I associated with or knew were "wilding out" and will never tell the elders or leave because they woud loose their family. I think there are the ole (I do whatever the GB tells me to) JWs and now there are the new (I do what I want) JWs this generation. There are more of the later nowadays I believe.