Why are you on a religous site if you don't belive in God Happy?
JoinedPosts by jeremiahjs
Happy, I belive Jesus is the Son of God himself. I belive God let sent him to save us and reflect and show God's glory and show the good news to the world. Jesus is the light, the way and the truth. He is alive again in spirit and returned to his Father preparing their Kingdom. Jesus is Lord, king, ruler and link between us and God. And all that hate comes from the dark side of the force 'star wars'. Loose the hate, Jesus even said love your enemy. And those God had put to death back in the day are better off dying for their sins than worshiping false gods alive. God might well have mercy on their souls for they did not understand what wrong they worshiped. Most of thes tribes were probably doing really bad nasty hurtful traditions and would probably not have been able to live by the Law that the Isrealites followed and later may have been stoned to death to pay for their sins. Im sure God did what he did to save as much of what's important to Him - our immortal souls, not mortal ones.
Jon, And to this day i continue testing my belifes thas part of what im doing now. You help bring to my knowlege some things about the jws. They do put themselves on a pedastal with their 'truth'. I view the jws as one of the stricter denominations, and of course have their own opinions of what they bible says. They hurt more with their truth than with their lies though. I would't belive nothing but what's easy to get out of the bible, what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen. This world has been attacked by the devil scince mankind's origin, the truth is buried under many, many lies and distractions. Satan does everything in his power to turn us away from God and hide God and Make God's word corrupt. God has done everything He needed to do to save as many of us as possable for His Kingdom, staying hidden until we are ready not to turn away from Him.
I thought everyone proclaming Jesus is the Son of God is a Christiain?
Your never suppose to stop testing your belifes with the scriptures. Always test the inspired expression, and i have tested what i was taught by the jws when i was a child, the truth i can easly make sense with scripture i have kept the lies and opinions that i couldn't back up easly with scripture i tossed. Doing what the scripture says will teach you more through holy spirit than examining it with logic and wisdom. The bible was written for us seek the truth by doing what it says first, not to easily understand it all. Turning water into wine is inlogical, but i still belive Jesus did it. Logic isn't the key to the accurate knowledge of God; love, faith, truth, endurance and a humble open mind is.
I find it illogical for people to believe in "Religion"
by sinis ini just don't understand.
i was raised a jw, believed the whole line of bullshit, hook, line, and sinker.
after leaving i still believed in the bible.
Yes, at least follow the golden rule, this will save you more than all our belifes combined and published! The message of the bible is to love and not stop loving another.
First of all, im not part of a man made religion (jw) I do agree with alot of thier doctrine as well as other congregations and my own understanding. Few of my belifes are set in stone and these are important to me and i can plainly see them in any bible. There is truth and lies in all of man made religions. You dont use logic, your logic is scriptures being twisted to support someone's opinion of the bible, to me you are trying to persuade me with lies and twisted scipture, which is impossable. Christanity is a sect of the true living temple, or did you not read that God ordains from all His congregations, everything belongs to God right? And that God will clean out his own house first. This means God's church (closest to the truth) needs cleaning also, regarless of the denomination.
More congregations besides than the jw congregation belives these things. Why are you so worried about slandering one of God's congregations? Is this what you live for Jonathan? The bible teaches ressurection and judgment day after this. The bible doesn't teach that you inherit God kingdom when you die, God's Kingdom isn't completed and doesn't come down to earth until the end of this system of things (end of Rev); making it not possable to go there if it isn't finished yet. Plus don't you pray for 'God's will to be done and His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven' like Jesus taught. The dead know nothing, they are resting waiting being raised. The dust goes back to the ground, the soul dies, and the spirit keeping one alive returns to God -not our spirit, we don't have one, but God's Holy spirit goes back to God, the breath of life. And may it be one day or a million years the next thing you know is that you are alive and the time of your death will feel like a split second. One would be alive, then dead, then regardless of the time it you would feel like your instantly back to life again, i would assume because the dead know nothing. Or do you belive everything your told jon. and twist the sriptures to back up your belifes while slandering others that may be true?
Do you not know that anyong speaking truth is a witness to God? Making them a witness to Jehovah. You are so set in your religous sect that you may never understand God's true word, which dosn't belong to any man made religion but is in the hearts of His children. The bible talks about judgment day, that when you will see God's face and Jesus at his right hand. i think it happens after Armagetton.
I find it illogical for people to believe in "Religion"
by sinis ini just don't understand.
i was raised a jw, believed the whole line of bullshit, hook, line, and sinker.
after leaving i still believed in the bible.
There are many false religions and really all man made religious sects may have some false in them. But without faith in what God promised everythings destiny is dust and destruction. I belive in the Ceator - God and do belive his purpose for his creations and His will and word. With God there is everlasting life in perfection, love, joy and peace wins forever. Without God everything created is destined to be destroyed- i cannot except this way of thinking. I would rather find, love and please God and see what happens, than to reject God and embrace everythings eventual destruction. Plus i would rather belive in unseen things hard to belive that leads to life without death, than to not belive leads to death without life. To me its illogical for nothing to create everything (big bang-nothing at all explodes and equals every atom)seeing everything we know has been created at one point in time in the past. To me there has to be somting in existence that was never created(always been there) to create the first creation and all creations scince. And God just so happens to take credit for this in His Word and promises and does things only He could do.
God didn't rebell against us, He punished us for rebelling against him and has every right to, he is God and created everything its all his. We broke God's trust, he never will break ours. God is who he is and making what he is making - a lifeform with free will, knows how and how not to be holy, and choses to be holy; and something God can trust with immortallity, without death forever. God is doing what he must do to create the nature of what he wants and is creating. God has been telling us what do do scince day one to get his blessings and have love, peace, joy, truth, everlasting life; and has sent many phrophets and even his Son to teach us what to do to obey, please, and love God, humans killed most of them for speaking. God did not fail to listen to us, we failed to listen and obey him.
The God of Abraham is the only true God that made a promise to Abraham that cannot ever be broken, and comes out of love, faith, and trust. God was not popular in the world at the time of Abaham and made Himself known to Abraham and his offspring, then to the rest of the world. There were many false gods in Abraham's day and almost everyone they came across knew the God of Abraham was the Most High and a friend to Abraham because he loved and obeyed God.
One day you will see God and he will ask you why you called Him a demon; He made the demons as angles, they rebelled and grew jealous of God, making them demons; and God will destroy them at the end of this wicked system of things like He promised them. God is not a demon He is Holy to the infinity and invites us to be like Him and spend eternity with Him in love and inncorruption. You might want to stop slandering His title=God. And how can we blame God for the pain and destruction we bring upon ourselves by disobeying Him and following Satan? I thank God everyday for creating me and giving me a chance to be a part of His Kingdom He is making; we all should.
If God kills or destroyes something He created because it rebelled, rejected, did not love or obey Him - this is justice and good vengence not murder or sin. All vengence is God's and His judgment is Perfect and His forgivness and love undeserved. God loves us as sinners and loves us more when we show our love and obey God in order to please God. Don't forget the message of the Bible; Love God with everything you have, and love one another like you love yourself, this is more important to your salvation than your belifes. Only God knows all truth and he will continue to reveal His secrets when it best serves us and His will; and one day God will reveal all things to His world, and His children. Until then we aretold to love, forgive and treat another how you want God to treat you. Jesus reflected God's loving kindness better than anything ever seen; Jesus got his qualities from his Father, God. God loves us like Jesus loves us and Jesus was sent to save sinners and died for our sins, not his own. We pay for our sins with our death, Jesus bought us life after death with his death; out of love from God. We could not let our own beloved child die for a stranger's life; but God let his son die for all of us to have true life with them. It's written that a bird falling dead out of the sky bring tears to God's eyes, how much more do we and Jesus mean to God, much much more than a bird. God bless you all!