Any takers?
Who was the God of Abraham?
by cameo-d 101 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wow, for someone who thinks religion is worthless, you sure do obsess enough over it.
I don't know,, perhaps it was just a voice in his head?
The God of Isaac and Jacob of course
4 Sing YOU to God, make melody to his name;
Raise up [a song] to the One riding through the desert plains
As Jah , which is his name; and jubilate before him.—Psalm 68:41 Praise Jah, YOU people!
Praise God in his holy place.
Praise him in the expanse of his strength. —Psalm 150:1[And Jesus said:] have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."—John 5:29-32.
Jehovah or Yahweh or YHWH or Jah or whatever he is calling himself on the day in question is a murdering, genocidal, psychotic, lying scumbag. He is a demon from a more ancient mythology.
He is an entity with no sense of ethics, morals, forgiveness, compassion, honesty, or empathy. Jehovah delighted in roasting his victims alive and in tormenting his victims in a varety of creative ways. If you listed out all fo the crimes that he boastfully took credit for in the OT you will have a list thousands and thousands of incidents long.
This demon conned and bullied his way to the top of the godly heap, maintaining his position with threats and coercion, and when that stopped working he just did what any mentally deranged god would do, moved in and murdered entire nations of people.
This 'god' murdered thousands of his own followers, is directly responsible for the genocide of over a dozen nations, well the list goes on and on. Oh, and Jehovah NEVER promised his followers any kind of reward like a heavenly reward. Yes, the "promised" land was given to them, after the original inhabitants were murdered down to the women, children and livestock. But, after death? What then? Not a peep from Jehovah on what reward might be waiting for his followers.
Hi Robdar.
Thanks for popping in. You may be just the person to answer these questions, since you have recently been confirmed in Jewishness.
Do you know---who was the God Abraham served?
Did this god have a name and what was it?
Was Abraham Jewish?
What's the difference between a Jew, a Hebrew, and an Israelite?
Why does the Pope switch out his fish hat for a Yarmulke?
Thank you.
HappyGuy: You don't sound too happy. What a misnomer. --Inkie
Inkie: Tell me that I misrepresented Jehovah's character in anything that I said. Or that he is not guilty of all those crimes.
Justitia Themis