Isaiah is saying what Jesus will be called and you are calling him the father but that does'nt make it true. There are many names that Jesus is called not all are true. Isaiah prophesised about what he would be called and the prophcey is true but the names may or may not be.
JoinedPosts by jeremiahjs
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
John 17 is a prayer from Jesus to the Father and you should be able to tell that Jesus is glorifying his Father and Not praying to himself but to the Father; about there unity and relationship as two not one. Why would God pray to himself? Jesus told us (and did himself) to pray for our Father's name to be sanctified and for our Father's will to be done on earth as in heaven...;not for his own will but the Father's will.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
But the truth will set you free and enhance your relationship with God and Christ.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
God will judge how it's written, i never read of God spanking, just destroying, and only one sin cannot be forgivin, and God ordains from all congregations.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
You should worship the Creator not a creation.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
Father Greater than Son - John14:28, Son going back to his Father; they are in total unity but not equal. The same being(soul) cannot be greater or less than itself, it is what it is making the Father and the Son united without division as two seperate beings(life forms).
The Father is the Almighty God and Creator, Jesus is the Son of God, made by God, sent by God; and nothing else ever seen reflects the glory of the Father like Jesus Christ did and does. Jesus was telling his disiples that he has shown them the plans, will, love, and way to the Father; that was one of God's commanments to Jesus.
God has no god, He is God. Jesus has a God and Father. God dosen't have commandments, he gives his creations commandements in order to do his will, and to us to make us more like him. Jesus had commandments from the Father and followed them perfectly. Jesus had no fault or sin in God's eye - Son of God, much more than a man. Plus God is immortal and has to be alive to hear our and Jesus's prayers; Jesus died for three days.
Plus if the Son was the Father the Son; the Son would know the day and hour of his own return. But only the Father knows the day and hour. - Mat.24:36, Mark13:32, Acts1:7
You can twist the scriptures all day to fit your lies. If you worship the Son(Jesus) as the Father(Yahweh/Jehovah) then you break the first and biggest commandment Jesus taught us -- Mark12:29, Mat.4:10 ( and if your bible says LORD it means the Father's name = Jehovah in English, Yahweh in Hebrew. LORD = God, Father. Lord/lord means king, shepard, Son of God, Jesus. Worshiping anything other that the Father as the Father is not good for your spiritual development and NOT taught by Christ.
If the earth is God's footstool and the heavens(universe) are His throne (Isaiah66:1); and, if our flesh cannot see/behold the power and glory of God's face and live (Exodus33:20,23) how do you expect Mary's belly to hold that power and glory? Plus people seen the face of Jesus and lived. God will show the world His face when God himself returns Ezekiel 38:14-23; 39:21-23, 29. God is to Holy to tolerate the sin of this world or reside in this current wicked system of things. Jesus could and did live with us because he was sent to by God. I hope this helps you understand the differance between the Son and the Father.
by jeremiahjs inim new here.
it's been about 18 years scince i been to a kingdom hall (a bunch of unfortanent events and found myself living in sin) but i have stayed close to my faith and love in god through it all, and refound my love and faith and continue seeking this a strickly ex jw site or active jws too?
i was raised as a jw but iv'e found (in the word) that mankind cannot create a true church, temple, or religion.
Im new here. It's been about 18 years scince i been to a kingdom hall (a bunch of unfortanent events and found myself living in sin) but I have stayed close to my faith and love in God through it all, and refound my love and faith and continue seeking truth.Is this a strickly ex jw site or active jws too? I was raised as a jw but iv'e found (in the word) that mankind cannot create a true church, temple, or religion. I belive anyone teaching the truth is witnessing for Jehovah/Yahweh and his Son Jesus. Only God knows all truth. The most important thing is love. It's written God ordains from all congregations. I belive love and faith in God makes this possiable. The true temple of God is alive and scattered inline with truth (not lies) love and faith few find it fewer make it to the end. Whats important is what you do with the knowledge given to you. If a religion knew all truth why would Jesus return to rule and teach for a 1000 years without all the devil's influences? Jesus hasn't returned and struck down the nations do jws beleive he returned? I thought they taught that the devil was cast out of heaven down to earth in 1914 or 18 or whatever is this not what they teach now? Why would Jesus clean his own house out first when he comes, all of christainity and people devoted to God are his house right? If he needs to clean his own house that means it's mislead in ways to right? Isn't the whore of Baboloyn false religion? Isn't loving the Father and the Son and loving one another what's important? Aren't we told to teach what truth we find and make it known to all of God's nations. Or let them stay blinded so Jesus can turn their hearts back himself? I belive Loving God for who he is with everything we have, obeying his commandments to show our love, and loving one another what the bible teaches plainly. Isn't the bible's secrets and hard to understand words mostly for directions for the 144000 so they can walk their walk holy in line with God, Jesus and the truth? Seeking and knowing all truth in this life is impossable; even Jesus doesn't know the day and hour of his return. Do Jws claim they do or at least know the year? Also isn't the Great tribulation, the Anti-Christ and mark of the beast right around the corner? Please fill me in where the current jws stand in faith i was thinking about congregrating with them again, but Im happy with my personal relationship with God but i would like to be around people who share most of my beliefs. Would they even except me in their congragation if I belive these things?
A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too
by EndofMysteries inso far quite dissappointed from what i've seen.
this is very very important, first i"ll address the non/ex jw then i'll address the jw's (jw's scroll down if don't wanna see the first part).
i see so many who have concluded that it was not 'god inspired', a lot of what is being done, and their conscience told them that many things conflicted with jesus teachings and the bible.
I was just meaning only God knows all the truth about everything and he will reveal all things when He and us are ready. God is really never inactive, all he has to do is say it and it will happen, he cannot lie. Jesus doesn't even know everything.(the day and hour of his return). God is creating something almost impossable - a free willed family that he can trust without death to time indefinate. This life is a test to see if we got what it takes-Love, forgiveness, trust, and devotion to God. Truth is nice and will set you free, and allows you to know God better so you can love him and another more; but knowing everything is God's job - and is not neccasary for salvation. He will teach us what we need to know when we need to know it, always have always will. God persuades us to CHOOSE to Love him TRY to be holy and righteous, repress the sinner in ourselves, forgive freely and love unconditionally and have faith - without knowing for 100%, without seeing - but still beliving without a doubt, if possable. Then God can trust us with freedom (our will, inline with God's will, still being free will) in eternity without death. If he gave us immortalaty from the start along with the knowledge of good and bad; God would have a big messy problem - a defiled, divided kingdom for eternity. Also we are a living temple housing God's Holy Spirit in this life and more so in the next. God's Holy Spirit requires a clean house(heart, mind, body, soul). LOVE is the main lesson in the Bible. True united love does't hurt anything, harm anything, or promote evil. True love doesn't lie, or do bad things, and it isn't self centered or greedy or hateful or jealous - but for the good of everything God created. That is why Jesus summed all the commandments up into two - Mark12:28-34, Mat.22:36-40 Only two of God's creations fail to please him - fallen angels and unloving, unrepentive humans - because of free will - God didn't want robots. Everything else God made reflects his glory and shows us his power, variety of things he enjoys, and wisdom.
Awww, And God Bless you beksbks (:
A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too
by EndofMysteries inso far quite dissappointed from what i've seen.
this is very very important, first i"ll address the non/ex jw then i'll address the jw's (jw's scroll down if don't wanna see the first part).
i see so many who have concluded that it was not 'god inspired', a lot of what is being done, and their conscience told them that many things conflicted with jesus teachings and the bible.
God is more than liklye resting on His throne in heaven hearing all seeing all and telling his angels and Son what to do. But Im not sure i haven't seen him and he didn't tell me. On the seventh day God rested, He didn't start over creating; still is creating, probalby won't ever stop, God is the Creator. He didn't say on the eight day Adam and eve sinned, but His physical body is still resting. His spirit is very active though, i assume. Besides im glad God isn't running around on earth himself because its written - our flesh cannot behold or see God's glorious face because we will die. Exodus 33:20, Hebrews4:9
A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too
by EndofMysteries inso far quite dissappointed from what i've seen.
this is very very important, first i"ll address the non/ex jw then i'll address the jw's (jw's scroll down if don't wanna see the first part).
i see so many who have concluded that it was not 'god inspired', a lot of what is being done, and their conscience told them that many things conflicted with jesus teachings and the bible.
Sabbath, Gods still on Sabbath day. its written.