Jesus is the first creation and the last from God himself. Hence 'First and last'. And Jesus is the Son of God making him born or created by God; making Jesus not God but the Son of God. Saying Jesus is God is a lie. On Judjement Day you can ask Jesus sitting at God's right hand if he is God and then you will find your truth.
JoinedPosts by jeremiahjs
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
Where did YHWH Originate?
by cameo-d inseveral biblical scholars have suggested that yahweh originated with a group known as the shasu, canaanite nomads from southern transjordan.
an egyptian inscription at karnak from the time of pharaoh amenhotep iii (1390-1352 b.c.e.
) refers to the "shasu of yhw," evidence that this god was worshiped among some of the shasu tribes at this time.[2].
YHWH never was originated. He has always been and always will be. It's written all those calling on his name will be saved, the devil does not want us calling on God's name so he has hidden it almost to the point where we cant find it.
Question regarding Holy Spirit...
by tenyearsafter ini am still muddling my way through both sides of the trinity argument, but i would be very interested in hearing the explanation for the nontrinitarian view of the holy spirit and what it is in light of ephesians 4:29-32 where it speaks about "grieving the holy spirit".
if the holy spirit is just god's active force, as we were taught as jw's, how can we grieve it?
grieving would indicate a personality or feelings that could be "grieved".
the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. I belive God has a physical being with a face that one could see, and God has a spiritual side his Holy Spirit that is unseen. The purpose for mankind is to give God a permanent, clean dwelling place for His Holy Spirit. A temple of the living filled with God's life force. I belive the Holy spirit is in everything God created linking all his Kingdom together; God blesses those he wants with more and others with less. We all have a soul and the spirit activating our soul to be alive (life) is God's spirit and returns to God when our soul returns to dust -- Ecc12:7. God's Holy Spirit is God's Holy spirit and we do not have a spirit ourselves; but its God Spirit that gives us life and is in us. I belive God's Spirit is in every atom in existence, letting God know and control (if wills) everything in existence. Only God controlles His Spirit, according to God's own will. The spirit is truth, no lie is a part of God or His Spirit.
Ezekiel 37:12-14, Psalms146:4, 104:29,30
God's holy spirit does many things and is more powerful than we can comprehend or fully understand in this life. It is an unseen secret, to be revealed when we are ready. Like we have a soul and God's spirit, God has a soul and His own Spirit. Jesus is filled with Holy Spirit to the max 99.999...%. Satan is filled with God's spirit to the extreme low end .00000000001% but still has life given to him by God untill his due time. Dead have no life or spirit, spirit goes back to God and the rest of us (dust) goes back to the ground.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
Everything God made reflectes His glory and fufilles their purpose and pleases God; except fallen angles and humans. God is in all and over all he made.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
If God sends His Son to us as a savior then that makes God the true source of the savior. Jesus is our savior because the Father sent him to save us, making God the one true Savior.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
1Cor.8:5,6 Mat4:10; 8:29 Mark10:18; 12:29 Only God is good Jesus said, Jesus was capable of sin, God's incapable of sin(Good){Romans1:25(creation=Jesus; One who created=Father God)}
I Think God only has one face, (not three) He has been concealing from us. I was just saying it is the Fther you must render sacred servive to and worship as the one true God like Jesus told us to. Jesus is the Son of God making him not God. God was and he had a word(plan) then God made his first creation = Jesus; and then it was God, Jesus, and the word(and HS mabye). Then they made the word happen and now we all are here debating who God is and is not. It's written many times there is one God the Father, Jesus said it and almost all the books of the bible declare it. God doesn't have three heads, we are made in his image hence one head one face. God created Jesus out of God himself(it was just God and his words(plans), then much later us out of dust, Jesus and HS.
When he said "my Lord and my God" he could of well been looking at Jesus when he said Lord, and looked up when he said and my God, thanking and praising God for beholding the Lord again, and if Jesus knewq this as his reasoning Jesus surly wouldn't have rebuked him.
I do think worshiping any thing other than God the Father Yahweh Himself as GOD alone, is a form of false worship. When you worship something that was created (Son, creation) as the Father (Creator). You dont give the glory to the Father like Jesus did himself. I do belive false worship is safer for your salvation, because if one knows and understands the true word of God and falls short of what they learned, after commiting to Christ, then it's written they will recived greater judgment. For instance if you kill the sinner in yourself in this life for Christ, then that death pays for the wages of your sin while alive, so if you sin this could be against your immortal soul instaed of your mortal soul. If you don't understand what your commiting to, your death when you die cleans your slate, pays for your sins, so God can raise you pure, cleansed whith the blood of Jesus.
Jesus is much more than a man or angel, he is the Son of God himself above everything - but not God, the Son of God, a medeator between us and God and everything's King, Lord, and Teacher. God made Jesus like God, now they are making a temple (us) out of God through Jesus (like them) for God's Holy Spirt to fill and dwell forever; then God's word and Kingdom will be fulfilled, finished, but just getting started for what God made us all for in the first place, - a growing loving family perfect forever. God gives everything to Jesus, and Jesus gives it all back to his Father and us as brothers n sisters to Jesus and children of God.
But opinions are like farts everybodys smells different, truth is not as important as love anyway. Truth is wonderful, but dangerous to salvation in this life. Im sure God will reveal all His secrets when we and Him are ready to for that embracment. God bless you all with His love and Spirit and His Sons guidance and strenght, and their undeserved kindness, forever!
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
First of all I am non - denominational, I don't belive mankind can invent a true religion. It's wriiten and I belive God ordains from all his congregations. Many people think and worship that Jesus is God Himself, I was just trying to explain my faith, how i understood the bible. What lie am I beliving and teaching? That the Father is God and Jesus is God's Son? The bible has taught me this fact. What lies do you accuse me of????
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
If the son was the Father he would know his own return. Two seperate minds, seperate souls; if this wasn't true Jesus would know the time of his return.
And it's written that God cannot lie Hebrews6:18, God does have limits, He cannot lie and is incapable of evil; God is way to Holy and God is Love and truth. Titus1:2
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
it says the word was "a god". Not the Almighty One True Father Creator God. anything you worship is your god, there are many gods, but only One True God, the Father. 1Cor.8:5,6, and one true Lord/King, Jesus Christ.
Examining Scripture to see if Jesus was, and is, God.
by jonathan dough ini'll start with john 14:8-10. .
scriptural support for the triune nature of god, and the gradual recognition that jesus christ, the word incarnate (john 1:1), was and is god, can be found throughout the bible.
the evidence is abundant and unfolds like a flower, foreshadowed in the old testament and revealed in the new testament.
Isaiah prophecised about what names people would call Jesus, not saying if the names are all true. There are many names people call or say about Jesus that isn't true. Isaiah was telling us what he would be called and you are calling the son father so this came true to the phrophecy, not that he is but will be called by humans. And decribing his oneness with God.
Jesus being the only begotten son of God means that Jesus was the first thing God created and all he had to create him out of God himself(no other creation's (parts) to use. Everything else was made through Jesus and for Jesus(and the Father), he is our true king under God. Jesus was the son of God long before he was born a son of man. Now all the Father has created he is giving it to his Son as king not as God.
Still only the Father knows the day and hour of the Son's returnMat.24:36, and the Father is greater than the Son John14:28.
John20:17 Jesus is going to the Father, His God and our God the only true God. God doesn't have a God he is God. Jesus cannot be God because he has a God, the Father. The Father has no God or creator, He has always been and always will be. God is the only thing in existence that hasn't been created, everything else has an origin at some point in time in the past.
And by the way the word trinity never was written in the origional text of the bible or taught by Jesus. Jesus said it is the Father alone you must worship and render sacred service to. Jesus is our role model and teacher. The only being in existence that has the love and devotion to the Father to do what he did -- obey God, not sin, and die for ours without deserving death. Only God's Son could do this even as a son of man.
If the Son is the Father how come he says he doesn't know the day and hour ONLY God knows? Mat24:36, Mark13:32, Acts1:7???