Yes, afternoon talks are the worst. I need a siesta right about that time.
There are some brothers who will lull you to sleep on any subject.
Being more conscious of the truth about the Watch Tower makes me
want to sleep during meetings.
i must admit have done the whole nodding thing and even once at an assembly fell asleep on a brothers shoulder... shame he wasn't cute!.
Yes, afternoon talks are the worst. I need a siesta right about that time.
There are some brothers who will lull you to sleep on any subject.
Being more conscious of the truth about the Watch Tower makes me
want to sleep during meetings.
this may have been asked before, so as a newbie i apologize.
what bible translation have you found to be the most respected and recognized by both hebrew and classical scholars for its faithful translation?
please no comments on the nwt!.
I agree the NASB is quite faithful to the text and very literal.
But there are other translations that I respect quite a lot.
The New Jerusalem Bible, and the English Standard Version.
My favorites although dated are Young's Translation and
the American Standard Version.
Check out parallel verses in many translations at:
what a flurry of interesting topics on jwn lately!
my oh my.. i haven't posted in the last few days... nor read the forum.. this last week i was back east visiting friends in the troof.. lucky for me it was assembly time, so packing and going to.
natick assembly hall (boston, ma), and caught the sunday.
Everett Rodrigues (note no Z, but S, at end of name).
I know him. I agree he's not the sharpest, dresses well and thinks a lot of himself.
If he re-appointed someone it's because the local Body of Elders recommended it.
He's not the kind to take chances, especially if it could backfire on him. He likes the good life and the accolades.
per a "top secret, confidential, burn this after you read it" letter to all boes, dated march 2, 2010, but not read in our congregation until this past week:.
new "kingdom ministry" school for all elders and ministerial servants, to be held (in the us anyway) between november 2010 and january 2011.. 6 hours of jaw dropping tedium instruction for ms, 9 for elders.
ms session to be held on a sunday, elders on friday and saturday.. the "super secret surprise", for elders only: a new textbook will be released to be studied at this "school".
My guess is that rape is now fornication, or is that a non-fornication? Geez! This is like watching a tennis tournament.
Or perhaps a fraction of it, together with sceeming and fighting back. Unbelievable but true.
one year in jail for metro vancouver man who circumcised son at homeby andrea woo, vancouver sunmarch 25, 2010comments (46)metro vancouver -- a metro vancouver man who circumcised his four-year-old son at home with a razor blade and blood coagulant meant for horses has been sentenced to one year in jail followed by two years probation.
in april 2007, the man, identified only as djw due to a publication ban, gave his son, dj, honey wine before placing him on garbage bags on the kitchen floor.
djw then cut away the boy's foreskin with a razor blade.. .
Well, at least the "Do it yourself J.W." (DJW)
at least used a razorblade, I think in the olden
days of the Israelites they used 'flint knives',
BTW, I'm not.
anyone noticing any odd "more secretive-than-usual" type behavior among jws very recently?.
kind of like "somethings-up" mode?.
Shhhhhh... it's a see-cwet, they awe huntin' wabbits...
It's the persecution mentality you're tuning into... it's been
there all along, just you're sensitized to it now. It is a holding
back pearls from swine, a sense that if you open up with your
beliefs, with your precious WT truths, that people will trample
them and even laugh at you or look down at you because of
who you've chosen to be. It is part of cult mentality and a
drawing away from the world. That's what I perceive is going
on and has been going on about secretive behavior. Perhaps
it is increasing as the hardships of life are pressing in on
people, and they feel they need to round up the waggons
in order to feel safe. That's what I think is going on with JWs.
The minute they start micromanaging Prince is the time he'll
start becoming conscious and the WT handlers aren't really
about to lose the perks of having a celebrity in the ranks.
Maybe the WT can help him out by returning some of the
contributions he's made... NOT. Poor Prince, I feel sorry for
the guy. Purple rain!
22 march 2010. russia: raids, literature confiscations and criminal case in tambov.
by geraldine fagan, forum 18 news service , and felix corley, forum 18 news service .
russia has raided three flats of jehovah's witnesses in tambov in the first such reported home raids against them since the soviet era, forum 18 news service has learnt.
The WTS doesn't have major facilities or a big stake in Russia. If the same
were to happen in the US or in Europe then there would be changes.
The religion of Islam is way more oppressive against it's followers than
the JWs religion. If a muslim apostasizes he can be put to death and
some have. But the Russians are only going about confiscating some
islamist propaganda and not all islamic writings. There is way more
hate in Islam than there is in JWdoom. Catholics and Orthodox
Christians have said and done more hate attacks against others
than the Watchtower has ever published, what with the history
of pogroms and the anihillation of the Jews and Romany minorities.
It's a big mess in Russia, but it has always been a big mess there.
The Nephilem could not have children, they where hy-breds, kind like a thourobred horse can't have offspring.
Yes, about thorobred horses, they can have offspring and have in the past, that's why they're what they are.
It's when you mix a donkey with a horse that you get a mix-breed, a mule, and these can't have offspring.
The idea that angels and humans mate would have similar results, offspring who couldn't reproduce.
greetings, this is my first post here on jwn .
i came across mr. king's youtube channel,, and i was speechless and ill at the same time.. .
i went to his website and tried to do some reading, but my head started hurting and my vision blurred.
Welcome! I have really enjoyed your high-quality videos on YouTube .